Monday, October 23, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 10/24/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/24/17
10/24/17 is the number 8. Perhaps the sadness will overwhelm the mind. Perhaps the depth with crack open something more sublime. I wish we did not learn through pain. But it is one of the most powerful tools of transformation that we as humans have. It is in the discomfort that we change. It is in the pain that we are reborn. It is in the intensity that life reaches beyond the previous limits.
With Mercury forming a trine to Neptune today, your words and thoughts can be more imaginative and colorful, subtle, or creative. You experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. Intuition is highlighted or awakened now. This is a good influence for photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion. This is an excellent time for understanding one another and for feeling good about giving others the benefit of the doubt. You can feel empowered by your charitable qualities. You might choose to team up to generate ideas and solve problems. This is a strong day for mental rapport. The Moon spends much of the day in truth-seeking, courageous Sagittarius. At 8:13 PM EDT, the Moon enters Capricorn and your focus turns to your goals and performance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

In the stillness sits the parts
That have been left alone too long in the dark.
It is the sadness inside that you refuse to see
That creates the struggles that stop that which is carefree.
Take the risk and open the door.
Learn to love that which you have ignored.
Look at how your words are in discord.
It is in places that you refused to go
That show you everything you want to know.
~Suzanne Wagner~

As I was driving back to California from Utah I noticed a lot of dead owls and deer along the roads. Now I understand that for the deer this is the time of the year for mating and the deer get so focused on mating that they do not notice thins like cars. On one level, it makes sense. But I saw groupings of dead deer along the roads. Like whole families or groupings. It was so sad and I know that nature is always speaking to us and showing us what we are not noticing. The metaphor about deer in the Native American Tradition indicates that sighting a deer is about “trust”. As I was driving I was looking at where right now we as a human consciousness are not trusting the evolution, birth, and destruction of life and accept that as part of the natural order of things. I hate that so much of life is about suffering but I understand that this is just how the universe operates in this reality. The dead owls concerned me a bit more. I literally saw over 19 dead owls with one of their wings up. That is always a message of sorts. And owl is about impending deaths. Now, deaths can be metaphorical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. But the sheer number of them was alarming. I know that it meant something. Owl is about seeing the whole truth and recognizing the deception in the world. It is the night eagle in Native American tradition. It makes you look at what is the essence of true wisdom. Only if you see the whole truth can you attain high states of wisdom. Owl lets you know that it is time to seek inward. It asks you to befriend your inner darkness and to tell yourself the truth about something. I am preparing to go on a trek to Nepal and I will be gone and potentially out of the Internet loop so you may not hear from me every day, though if I have access I will do my best to connect with you all. The question that each of us have to answer is; “Who are you?”
~Suzanne Wagner~


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