Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 10/18/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/18/17
10/18/17 is the number 2. Watch out for the negativity and judgment as the emotional thresholds are reaching a boiling point once again. Look at both sides of an issue and notice how one person judging another is a reflection of an unhealed aspect within themselves. Then look to their beliefs and prejudices that are their protective mechanism to not look deeper than the superficial answer to which they blame someone or something. Things are never as black and white as we often want them to be. There are many layers of damage that each soul lives through in order to discover who they really are. You are not your damage. Damage is a part of life as you move through this world and this density. Situations create pain in order to wake us up and move us in other directions of more awakened consciousness. You are not your body. Your body is the vehicle that allows your soul to have this human experience. But that wear and tear and natural aging process will break us all down in the end and we will move beyond this form into another form. Enjoy the journey. See all sides of an issue. Recognize that those that create suffering for others will suffer in other moments and in other lifetimes for their choices and actions. It is not up to you. It is just the nature of the rules of this planet and the karmic regulations that each of us live and learn through.
Early today, Mercury and Jupiter reach alignment in Scorpio, and this supports gaining insight into the present problems, talking through issues, and seeing solutions or reasons to feel hopeful. Your opinions are strong and you are feeling more decisive now. Even so, the Sun quincunx Chiron aspect later morning introduces a continuation of the uncertainty that is plaguing the world. Expect to doubt yourself and effectiveness, as well as, guilt for not facing important issues in your past, can subtly undermine your confidence under this influence. You are moving towards a point of full exposure, especially about where you might have given up you independence and past close relationships, with the Sun and Uranus approaching an opposition, occurring tomorrow shortly before the New Moon. You will refuse to conform. The drive to do something new is strong, but you may not have a direction or purpose yet, and it's best to avoid making hasty major decisions. A New Moon will occur tomorrow in the sign of Libra, pointing to the benefits of personal reflection rather than new initiatives..
~Suzanne Wagner~

“The Only thing
that can be truly known
is Self.”
~Ken Wolkoff~

The good news is that one of my friends who has been waiting for over a week to find out if his house is still standing in Sonoma after the fires, has finally found out that his and 3 other houses are still standing. I am so happy for him as so much devastation has happened for so many that to have a bit of good news is such a relief. Thank you to the firefighters who are clearly making a difference is a huge way. There are always little miracles to be found. Now is the time in life to actively look for those miracles and the miracle workers who put themselves into those dangerous spaces because it is the right thing to do. It is the bravery of humanity in such difficult times that continues to give me hope for the potential to make major change in the toxic and destructive patterns that have clearly gotten out of control.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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