Monday, October 16, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 10/17/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/17/17
10/17/17 is the number 10. There is power in change. There is a power in choice. There is a moment when a line is crossed and as you take a breath and cross that line you know that you know that you can never go back. We are globally at the point of change and then there is a growing momentum of frustration that has hit a boiling point that is blowing up and igniting a power that this world really needs. You and all of us are going to change. You are already across that line whether you realize it or not. The chaos while capable of manifesting confusion and a big spin cannot stop truth from exposing the issues that have been hidden and under the surface for too long. It is time. Warning to all those who have been doing things that cause harm to others in the shadows. The light is becoming so bright you will be exposed for what you really are. It is time to tell yourself the truth. To move toward healing and integration with all the good and bad parts of yourself. There really is no other way.
On Tuesday, Mercury moves into Scorpio and then aligns with Jupiter (that just entered Scorpio on Oct. 10). This supports deep thinking and research, or it can manifest as sarcastic and dark humor. If you need to get focused, the next three weeks will help you. It is also a good time to bring deeper and/or hidden emotions to the surface. You seek deeper meaning in all that you do. The Moon continues its transit of Virgo until 1:36 PM EDT, after which it transits Libra. This morning, a Mars-Uranus quincunx may temporarily drain your energy or lead to restlessness and impatience. So, watch your temper. Many are already on the edge, do your best to not push them off of it. Snap points are very close to the surface and that energy is going to last really for years. This forces each of us to use some other tactics rather than to just come from a reactive place. Mercury enters Scorpio today and then moves into conjunction with Jupiter in the sign. Mercury will transit Scorpio until November 5th, and during this cycle, your thoughts and communications are probing and intense. While Mercury in Libra urged you to find balance and to arrive at fair solutions, Mercury in Scorpio instinctively knows that life just isn't fair. Mercury in Scorpio seeks truths in all that is hidden and undercover. This is a time to probe, investigate, observe, and focus. Look for what is motivating someone. This pattern brings to the surface the more deeply buried issues to the conscious awareness and that satisfies an intellectual need to understand what is moving us forward. Throw away superficial manners of communicating in favor of deep conversations. Scorpio is exceptionally sharp, profound, and analytical. Thinking tends to go one a one-track minded and perhaps obsessive direction. Mercury is applying to its conjunction with Jupiter, exact tomorrow morning, and this will make you inclined to think in big terms. Communications are grand, enthusiastic, and perhaps exaggerated. You are optimistic, which can help you attract more positive circumstances. This is a time of long-range planning and thinking on a grand scale. Details and mundane affairs do not interest you as much as the big picture does. You should watch for overstating and promising more than you are capable of doing. It's a good time to stretch your mind to include new ways of doing things, new ways of seeing things, and new possibilities. Verbal expression becomes more organic and effortless. This is an excellent time to come to agreements and resolutions.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Out of destruction
always emerges new worlds.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is an explosion of energy where people think that because of our leadership that they suddenly have permission to express the darkest energy and thoughts that they have held in. The result is a society going out of control. The darkness inside each of us needs to be faced and understood. When it is not, it comes out in horribly inappropriate ways that are toxic and cause harm to so many, thus creating a continuation of the karmic loop of suffering. Such behavior cannot be tolerated and must be faced directly with wholeness and personal power intact. Those doing such things have never been told how inappropriate they actually are. In their life, they had people who did not call them out again and again for their toxic hate speech and thus have never been confronted in a calm, clear, and a place of righteous indignation. It is time to not be quiet. It is time to be brave. It is time to teach, not avoid. It is time to show that the actions and beliefs of a few that are on the fringe will not and cannot ever define us.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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