Sunday, July 23, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 7/24/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 7/24/17
7/24/17 is the number 5. Stability and groundedness comes from knowing who you are and following the truth of your own integrity. It is that commitment that allows you to build stability over time. When you seek to know yourself and become fully present in this moment you notice other things with clarity and compassion. There are so many moments when life attempts to throw you out of balance and unground you. Those are tests that the universe uses to show you how grounded you are in this reality. If small changes throw you then the universe will not believe that you can handle bigger things. So many people ask the universe for huge things but they are not in a stable place to build that in a way that is healthy. Then they get mad because the universe is not giving them what they want. But the universe gives you what you can next handle constructively. Power is built slowly over time. When power is just handed to a person who does not have the mental/emotional stability to handle it, it will always break the person down to the true level of their integrity and personal power. You can never give anyone your power or wisdom. They must find the way through their own kinks and twists in their nervous system and karmic journey that will allow them to open. Just because something or some experience opened you does not mean it will work for everyone else. You are a unique configuration of energy and you are ready for some lessons at certain times. Not everyone is in that same developmental state of consciousness or willing to leap through their next challenges. You are not ready till you are ready.
On Monday morning, there is an odd mixture of energies. The Sun has moved into Leo urging you to jump out of bed to meet the new day. At the same time, Venus is opposite Saturn at 7:53 AM PDT where your values and desires can be at odd with practical reality or authority figures. That is followed shortly by Mercury making a harmonious trine to Uranus. This is mentally stimulating. Uranus wants greater freedom and Saturn wants greater stability. The complicated morning gives way to an easier afternoon. On Tuesday, both the Moon and Mercury move into Virgo. Because Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo (and Leo), Mercury will be in the sign of purification and organization for about seven weeks as compared to its normal cycle of about three weeks. This will help you get organized for the coming fall energies, although you probably don’t want to start thinking about that yet! The Moon spends the day in Leo, so you will be riding on the energy of yesterday's New Moon in the sign, this morning's Venus-Saturn opposition suggests some negative feedback or blockage can slow down the forward progression that you want to happen. The idea is to pace yourself. Know that you may feel criticized by others or unsatisfied with the results. Financial limitations may make themselves known. Burdens of your debts or obligations to others are magnified. You may need to pay the piper. Especially if you have been overdoing pleasurable things. This is a reminder to deal with your responsibilities, actions and choices. However, a Mercury-Uranus trine opens your mind to out of the ordinary possibilities. Original, creative ideas emerge. It is a good day to might seek out those with which you can have a deep and meaningful conversation. The ones that lift you above the small problems in your life and free your mind. Even so, a Mercury-Chiron quincunx is tricky and can make decisions hard to come by as you tend to doubt some of your perceptions or the effectiveness of your ability to solve problems. It can be difficult to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now, which can lead to misunderstandings.
~Suzanne Wagner~

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
~Jean de La Fontaine~

Some people play life safe.
But life is never completely safe.
Safety is important especially when you begin to open into something new.
You need to feel that you can trust a person or the situation to allow you to have an experience that transcends the known.
But no matter how hard you attempt to make something completely safe, change, is all about risk.
In avoiding constructive, “safe”, risks you miss out of so much that is what makes life fulfilling and adventurous.
Let the wind show you how to be free and trust in what you cannot see.
Let the stars show you that there is always light and help even when you are in the dark.
Let the moon show you the dreams that you hold inside and that your conscious mind withholds from you.
Let the sun give you the energy and power to always rise up again, each and every day.
You have limitless potential but you have to be willing to take it in a way that does not shut you down.
You have to decide how much you want to really “Live”.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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