Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 7/20/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 7/20/17
7/20/17 is the number 10. You come into this life on your own and you go out of this life on your own terms. Beginnings and endings are always more difficult. But that is when there is only one choice and one door. It is your responsibility to take what is offered and do the best with it that you can. In life, it is rarely others fault completely. You are always at choice and you always have choices. What defines your life is not about what you choose as much as it is about the things that you did not completely choose. It is the hesitation and internal uncertainty that causes many karmic bombs to drop or latch on to your karmic destiny. What you do not know or understand is the karmic stress that you will experience in this life again and again. That is why today is a day to say, “Yes” to the universe. Yes, I will learn that thing I don’t want to learn. Yes, I will change an obvious behavior that is no longer working. Yes, I will stop blaming and make choices that align with my core rather than buckle under the social pressures in my life. You have this moment to again bring active responsibility back into your life. It is amazing how quickly the stressor will go away or change when you just own the lesson and make a choice.
This is an astrologically busy day. The Moon is in changeable, curious Gemini all day. Mars enters Leo this morning and will stay in the sign until September 5th. Mars in Leo is proud, self-confident, and grand. It is time to go after what you want in a direct, self-assured manner during this cycle. Admit it you desire dramatic results. You prefer not to worry about details, and take the least complicated route to your goals. Passion for life is high, and this theme will be reinforced further when the Sun also enters Leo on the 22nd. A Venus-Pluto quincunx active today, however, points to the need to make adjustments or reassessments in many of your close relationships. And finances can be one of those issues with others. Issues of power and control can arise. Fears of loss or betrayal could be at the heart of suspicions and doubts raised now, and you may feel awkward or uncertain about expressing your feelings. The Sun forms a challenging square to Uranus and then moves towards a trine to Chiron. Changes made now might seem out of character or abrupt to others. Disrupted routines and plans are likely, and while they can be unsettling at first, they can also help to stimulate the adoption of new ways and patterns. You have a strong desire for independence and to break the rules could impair your judgment, so be conscious and careful. Although you can be willing to learn from your mistakes, you would be wise to choose to adopt a more careful approach to making necessary changes now.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I am nothing like what you think.
You cannot see who I truly am
through the projection
of your own expectation.
I cannot be fully seen by you
because you only see
what you need to see in me
to move you in the direction
of your next growth steps.
Until you fully awaken to yourself
you are living with a world of ghosts.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Today was my Independence Day. A day when I stepped free from the expectations of other’s projections. I did not come here to be what others wanted me to be. I came here to become the most dynamic expression that my energy could successfully resonate in. I am here to be a harmony and frequency of a possibility. But I am not alone. Each of you are just like me. I am sure that each of you have been in a moment when you did not completely know who you were so you reached out to others to help define you or assist you in finding the clarity. Sometimes those people find you even when you are not looking for them. And their projection seems so enticing that you (for a moment) attempt to align with that projection. But that never works. You cannot be what others want or need you to be to validate their own path and choices. You can only ever be yourself. But sometimes the projection attempts to grab at your ego and so it lingers and can haunt you for long periods of time. Causing you to wonder if you might have missed a door. One of those moments completely clarified today and I saw with perfect understanding and certainty what a past pattern was about for me and with deep gratitude I saw past my own ego and into the brilliant light of my core’s truth that had refused to let me go in that direction. My core is so awake and aware and has such strength of conviction that my human self is powerless against the grounded stable certainty of her direction for my life. I do not know if others have connected so powerfully with their higher self but when you do, the world unfolds in miraculous ways. That does not mean that my human self does not have doubts. But it is as if my human self is the car and I believe I am driving the car. That is until something drastic happens. Then in a moment of sublime clarity, as chaos unfolds around me, someone else is steering the car into the only open space and my foot is on the brake slowing down the pattern giving me time to maneuver through it safely.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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