Saturday, July 22, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 7/23/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 7/23/17
7/23/17 is the number 4. Neutrality and acceptance go hand in hand but they are not static states of being. You must accept what the universe has placed in front of you as your next set of challenges. You must be calm in having an objective mind to be able to clearly plan your next steps forward. It is important to choose actions that create balance in the world rather than chaos. There is a moment when your choices that are aiming towards the greater good will look to others as if you are choosing against them. But anyone that is making choices that harm humanity, life, the elderly, children, peace, animals, etc. are a part of the problem not a part of the solution. And you must calmly continue to make choices for yourself and your own karmic journey that allow for conscious progression rather than hateful backslides. When you do that you will take physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual hits. Those that hold hate in their mind will actively attempt to threaten you and continue their destructive pathway into karmic oblivion if you allow them to. It takes great strength of will and a high moral character to stand true to life, love, and liberty in the face of reactive, ugly hate. But in this moment that is all you can do. You cannot allow for divisiveness and mentally unstable patterns of thought and toxic action to infect your soul. From the place of calm and a balanced evolved awareness you can stand firm against the storms of hate that rage around you. Remember, others stand with you. You are not alone. Connect to those that also stand for the light and conscious evolution of humanities potential.
The New Moon in Leo is on Sunday the 23rd (1 degree Leo). It is action packed because it is aligned with warrior Mars who just moved into Leo last week. The increasing amount of fire element energy building up to next month’s total solar eclipse in Leo begins now. That can be excellent for fun, play, passion, and stepping into leadership. But it likely will not be great for fire season unless you make your living putting out forest fires. You receive help in surviving any challenges now, but the flip side of this help is knowing when it is time to let go. This energy can be as generous as it is stubborn. Also, be aware that Mercury is just entering the shadow of its retrograde cycle coming on August 12. Pay attention to hints about what this communications breakdown cycle will mean for you. A hint is that you will want to cleanse both internal and external clutter in the weeks ahead, kind of an end of summer cleaning. For both this new moon and the coming Mercury retrograde, take a good look at where your heart is called versus where it is not engaged any longer. Since this new moon is at the beginning of Leo and the August 21 total solar eclipse is at the very end of Leo, the next month is kind of like being bracketed by bookends where you can view beginnings and endings, what fits and what must be released. If your heart is not in it, why are you holding on? The Moon completes its transit of Cancer at 4:35 AM EDT and enters Leo. Shortly after the Moon enters Leo, the New Moon occurs (at 5:46 AM) very early in the sign (in the first degree). This lunation is an excellent time for formulating goals regarding "all things Leo." You might concentrate on new ways to enhance romance, creative endeavors and hobbies, and relationship with children, as well as to build your self-confidence and healthy pride. With this strong Leo energy, there is a chance to make significant changes that will benefit you well beyond this Moon cycle. It's time to make some plans and set the stage for reaping the rewards from your new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks' time after the Full Moon occurs. Next month, a New Moon will occur again in the sign of Leo, this time late in the sign, and will be a Solar Eclipse and particularly potent. With the New Moon occurring at the very beginning of the sign of Leo today, there is an emphasis on brand new beginnings. With the Sun applying to a conjunction to Mars, you should watch for prematurity and impulsiveness. However, this can be a courageous, proactive time if you use this energy wisely.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Understand this:
Truth can never be silenced.
Hate is louder.
Hate is violent.
Hate is threatening.
Hate is traumatizing.
Hate attempts to beat down
the resistance with fear.
But hate can never really win.
Because hate is an illusion
based on the mind’s projection
of its own insecurity and self-hatred.
The more others hate,
the more they show themselves
to be deeply fear-based, immature, souls
without integrity and without access
to any reality other than their own mind.
Truth always wins eventually,
because truth is standing on solid ground.
Truth remains when everything else is destroyed.
Truth is the heart felt compassion
and love that continues to thrive
even in the most desolate and dangerous of times.
Truth is glue that brings humanity
back together again.
Truth is the life that fights for its place
in this world to survive and thrive.
At the bottom of all hatred must come resolution
and the letting go of the hate
to find a place to stand together again.
Even hate eventually comes back around to truth.
Hate just takes the long way around.
~Suzanne Wagner~

~Ted Talks – Antonio Damasio – The Quest to understand Consciousness~


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