Monday, March 06, 2017

Astrology for March 2017

Astrology for March 2017
March 2nd, Uranus and Jupiter are in opposition and while most of the time these two like each other, this opposition puts their strength working against each other to teach us some tough lessons about flexibility and viewing both sides. You are being asked to learn to balance your life. You have to learn new things but your ego and your compassion are in opposition.
It is time for innovation. But you have to be willing to be taught. Your individual self and your relationships to others are in conflict. Figuring out how to get those to come together might take longer than this month but it is a place to begin. With Jupiter in Libra it wants peace but the Uranus in Aries is continuing to blow things up and keep you off center in in reaction. Do your best to observe that duality but somehow keep your center.
Reaction is not the best way to live your life. It will shorten it, make you sick, and make your life one of pain and misery. So, looking for an alternative and some sort of solutions that can bring you to a more conscious place are essential for movement into this new future.
This is a difficult lesson to learn. How do you balance the expansion of diplomacy and still manifest radical change with new ideas and shift out of the old patterns of complacency without needing to “go to war” out of a self-righteous attitude and a need to blow off steam and anger over the things that have happened in the past and where you have felt personally slighted? February was about letting go of a lot of garbage and now it is time to move forward. We have to learn to feel into the new flow. We are in the time of Pisces after all. It is time for new experiences and to find courage to move in a different way.
This month is impacted the most by a Venus Retrograde which starts on the 4th of March. Now, just as Mars Retrogrades impact men the most, Venus Retrogrades impact women the most. Feminine energy is rebooting in the sign of Aries and it will also retrograde into Pisces. Venus Retrograding in Aries is awful as it really dislikes this position. But later on, when it moves into Pisces, Venus loves being in Pisces. So, if you feel a bit like you are on a swing from one extreme to another this month know that that is part of this journey.
If you are an Aries the focus is on your ego, your persona, and about being right and validating your prejudices to prove who you are in the world and separating from believing in the need for teachers. You want to own your own journey and do not feel the need to use the grounding, rules, and base of others for defining yourself. Of course, this will not work exactly the way you want it to work but that is also part of the learning because Venus is going to retrograde back into Pisces (the teacher) and once again, you will have to own and see how much you actually do not know. You will have to see where your ego has lead you to positions that are unsustainable over time.
If you are a Taurus, this retrograde impacts you in your 12th house, which is about spirituality, unconscious behaviors, and hidden karmic issues that you have forgotten but that have controlled you on an unconscious level. This retrograde wakes you up to see the implications of your past actions and how now those are coming back for you to reconsider. It makes you look at the patterns and behaviors that are actually addictive by nature and you are not moving with them in conscious ways but in ways where you want to immediately feel better.
In the sign of Gemini this impacts you on your solar 11th House of people, the world, society, gossip, and interconnection.  Be careful to not get caught up in heresay. You have to look at how you are connected to others and recognize that the society is not what you might want it to be at the moment. It is the people in your life that make it worthwhile. Remember that.
For Cancer, it is in your 10th House of career, legacy, and your long-term goals. So you are attempting to look ahead to see where you thought you were going to be but then see the reality of where you are. The prospects do not seem as rosy as you expected to see that this moment. That is disheartening but now you know what you need to work on and it is about making changes and choices that align with who you really are. Support things that you use, need, and see as helpful in the world. Money may come slowly but you will find more happiness and comfort.
With Leo, it is in the 9th House of beliefs, adventure, and searching for a whole new direction and definition. It is time to expand and Leo’s know it but they do not know what that will look like. When your pictures change and the parimeters of your life re-prioritize things cannot help but be different in a multitude of ways. What used to make you happy no longer holds the same energy as before. How you defined yourself has also radically shifted. You suddenly do not need to prove anything to anyone. They can either accept what you offer or not. It no longer impacts your self-esteem or how you feel about your impact in the world.

With Virgo this Venus Retrograde is hitting the 8th House of sex, death, and other people’s money, commitments, taxes, shared incomes. Old issues bubble to the surface. You begin to see the deep love that was offered in the past and how your shallowness and need to have things your own way has created circumstances that allowed you to let go of things of great value. Sometimes you don’t recognize what you have lost until much later.
Libra is all about the 7th House of relationships and the laws. It is a big deal because they are a Cardinal sign. All the Cardinal signs get an extra dose and a ricochet off the Aries energy, magnifying the effect. So, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will feel this the most. Libra you are really looking at the rules and the restrictions that you have placed on past and current relationships. You can see that it is time to change how you choose love and intimacy. It is time to see that your past choices were based on damage and wounding rather than clarity.
The Scorpios feel this in their 6th House of health, schedules and your daily life experiences. For them,  their work and their reality are going to shift in quite drastic and potentially dramatic ways. You will want to look at how your choices are either making you feel better or worse; healthier or less heathy.
With the Sagittarius’s this Venus Retrograde is happening in the 5th House of creation, creativity, love and romance. You want to figure out who you love, what you love, and what you need to look at to re-prioritize things in a more creative way. Saturn in your sign has created a big wake-up call and a desire to mature into a more responsible person and to be more focused in your life and choices.
Capricorns are experiencing it in the 4th house of home, family, and emotion. It is time to expand your personal life. It is time to shift and do it differently. You have been in the cave long enough. It is time to get out and have a social life. I know that you love the quiet and introspective moments but you need to find compatibility and love again.
With the Aquarius’s it operates in your 3rd House of communication, the mind, and your environment. Your day-to-day reality is going to shift. Your thoughts, how your feel in your work life, it is a time for your mind to shift. Often it just take a shift in perspective to make how you feel a work a very different place. Stop attempting to fix things and allow people to be who they are. When they feel accepted then they relax and open.
Pisces are dealing with the 2nd House of money, work, and your vanity. You want to shift how you appear to others, how your project your intent into the world needs to shift. It is about discovering your own self-worth. Saturn is in your 10th House of work so it is time to get going on the work reality. No more wasting time. It is time to make a responsible choice and to stop waiting for the perfect job, the perfect moment, the perfect circumstance. You need to move and now is the time.
Now, this retrograde starts March 4th and retrogrades all the way back to Pisces by April 15th.  All of this is designed to ignite your individual self to take action and not wait for anyone or anything. Your feminine energy is attempting to redefine itself and with Mars in Aries also trining Saturn you are going to want to have crystal clear visions as to where you want to go but until you redefine the feminine inside of you to give you those visions and to trust those visions it will not work well. You are going to redefine your relationships and how you look at love. We need to change in order for these bigger things to work. You want to understand but you will not see the end result as quickly as you wish.
Then on March 9th Mars enters Taurus. This is an intense change. Mars in Taurus slows things down tremendously. This aspect wants to take the time to relish things and if you are not relishing something it is time to get rid of it and eliminate those things, people, and circumstances that do not give you a feeling of fullness or that help you move forward.
Think of Mars as (energy) and Taurus as (mass).
It can take more energy at first to get great amounts of mass to move. It is slow at the beginning but over time it builds up momentum and then becomes an unstoppable force because of the inertia around that moving mass. I expect to see some sort of momentum begin to catch up and gain speed towards the end of the month.
Though it might be slow at first. It will be amazing later. After all, we need some big things to move. At first it may feel like you are trying to get traction in mud because we are in the sign of Pisces and Mercury is in Pisces also. Taurus energy with the Pisces tends to make you spend more time than you want to get things up to speed.
I have said it before and I will say it again here. Each of us needs to take our time as we move forward. There are no quick answers to this type of energy. The force is methodical and cautious because it needs to be. Everything is on uncharted ground right now. Everything is new in its way and its expression.
March 12 there is a Full Moon in Virgo is another peak in the energy and there can be a huge last ditch effort that will impact you. This Full Moon is in opposition to Chiron and it is now focusing the galactic energy on finding solutions and making things work. It is possible that you will feel like all you have done for months is attempt to fix and deal with one more problem. But with this Moon there is an element of clarity that begins to come into play. There is a huge desire to get things moving and on clear track to go forward.
March 13th, Mercury enters Aries and this is a positive aspect and it gives the energy to activate these new ideas. You feel energy and clarity that you have been wanting to feel for months. There is a feeling like you have to let the past finally go.
March 20th, the Sun enters Aries which is the pagan new year. The moon shifts signs but what you want to do is explore where you need to go in your life. The places you never thought you could go or experience now seems possible. Live a dream and do what you always wanted to do.
March 27th, there is a New Moon in Aries is exciting and helping you gain the ground that you feel you have lost over the past year. Things will feel more exciting and you will feel that you know what the steps are that you need to do to get yourself out of the rut and into a more active place where you can be this new self that is emerging.
March 30th Jupiter will square Pluto again, and this is a major transit. Jupiter is fire and Pluto is an atom bomb, this means that there is a lot of explosive change happening. It is a moment of extreme energy. You are weighing who can move with you and let go of who cannot walk the path with you. You know you are different. You know what you are willing to tolerate and what you are not.
And finally, March 31, Mercury enters Taurus and this allows a better integration of the intensity of the previous day. After all major shifts in awareness you need a moment to stop and reflect on where you were and now where you are now. This is a moment of renewal.

March is all about Jupiter/Venus together. It is positive if you recognize that it is not about changing the external world but about changing yourself. Once you get that then there is a breakthrough in your perspective and you individuate from the trauma of the planet and the world and find your own center. You allow your center to lead you rather than feel caught by the expectations you have had for the world to support your forward movement. It is not about what the world is doing but what you are doing in that world.


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