Monday, March 06, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 3/7/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/7/17
3/7/17 is the number 2. The number 2 asks each of us to look at where the negativity has infected you and what or who is contributing to that energy. Now it is difficult to figure out how to stay informed and respond properly to situations and at the same time not get dragged into the mud and chaos that certain people are propagating to keep you off your center. Don’t let the external negativity disrupt your internal peace.
Right now, you crave a stronger sense of belonging. The Moon triggers an ongoing T-square involving Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, and you can be especially emotionally involved with where there have been external and internal pressures that you have been feeling challenging you to improve and grow. Mercury moves towards a sextile with Pluto, helping you to develop strategies and goals or giving you a sense of mental direction. This influence stimulates goal-oriented thinking. At this time, you will benefit from applying your mental skills so you can focus, concentrate, do research, analyze problems, and discover new strategies. You are willing to look beyond the surface of things and investigate topics more deeply. There is some supportive energy to work with on projects that will benefit you in the future. So, take advantage of them while that energy is there to use. The early week is a bit mixed in that quick Mercury is mentally busy but the moon is in feeling-oriented Cancer. One part of you wants to keep on the move and another part of you wants to pull back for better emotional support. Share a meal with those who are closest to your heart.
~Suzanne Wagner~

To bear the absurdity of life,
and in order to stay sane,
each of us must cultivate
a quiet place of beauty, peace, and hope
inside our soul
and the project that out into the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I am shocked at how our government and certain media stations continue to perpetuate such ridiculous, petty, and news that shows insecurity through lies and distortions of the truth in an attempt to keep us off center and controllable. Do not doubt that this is a method of control. If you are constantly reacting to what they are dishing out you are playing right into their manipulation. I personally trust CNN, MSNBC, 60 Minutes, NBC and a few other individual shows to give me accurate information. Now I do that because on most of them I personally know people who work for those companies and I know how hard they are working to keep the facts, facts and not opinions. I also know that their lives are being threatened every day and the risk they are taking to help tell the truth and keep you informed is so important to them and our democracy that they are literally risking their lives and everything for what they believe in. So, when you verbally bash these companies you are contributing to potentially lethal consequences so be aware of where you get your information from. Realize that just because a person of authority does not like what some media company is saying does not mean it is not true. I am grateful that I know personally people in the media who I trust implicitly with information and they have been my “go to” during this difficult time. I know it is hard to figure out the real from the imagined but at this point you should be able to determine the temperament and character of certain critical people based on video, results, posturing, verbal reaction, and childishness. At least I hope you can.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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