Friday, May 17, 2013

Personal Note From Suzanne May 17, 2013

This is such a lovely and strange spring, just in case anyone was noticing. It was so hot early in California then now it has cooled off again. Not that I am complaining because the sun is out and the light and temperature is wonderful. Now we do need rain and we are way behind in the rainfall quota. But I am enjoying it while it lasts. I have always been more of a sun girl. 

I hope you are all weathering the transitions of the eclipses. The last one in Gemini is on the 25th of May. Then we hopefully will get a softening effect from the Grande Water Trine for the next year starting on June 25 and lasting until July 1, 2014. 

I know that I am looking forward to a calmer pattern evolving into the mix of this intensely shifting astrology that we are all living through. 

At least the flow of energy seems to be back and in my line of work attitude is critical. Especially, when so many friends and clients are going through so much. I am not sure if I am handling things better or if I am getting used to this constant shifting of the ground underneath my feet and simply choosing to not sweat the small stuff in my own personal life. Whatever the pattern, it does seem to make the simple moments so much more precious. 

These energies have refocused the telescope of my mind into a much more balanced perspective. Circumstances for many of us are pretty much the same but we are much less personally attached to outcomes than before. I am trying things but it seems to feel that those things can work or not work. The outcome is not the goal. I am trying things regardless to see where the universe intends to point my energy. We are all being asked to find a way back to inner peace and to do it in a way that is not related to outer circumstances. Over and over again, we have been letting go of the trappings of things that we thought defined us. And the universe is asking us to go deeper into the places of our soul that have been hidden away, unloved, and untouched. 

There is so much about ourselves that is beyond our personal preferences and projections. We have been stripped away from the trappings of ego to reveal a clear, calm, and more conscious self. 

I am really starting to enjoy this new me. It was very awkward at first. Like learning how to walk all over again. Actually it was more like learning how to play all over again. Learning to enjoy, be silly, have a life, and to take well earned breaks is something that we can all learn to enjoy. This pattern has forced many of us to reevaluate the importance of money in our life. As most of us have taken a hit in the financial areas there is a letting go of old preconceived ideas of what is abundance. We are finding so much joy in the small things that make life have deep and profound meaning. 

So as we all move forward into this amazing flow that will be the summer remember to take a break, go for a walk, have a picnic, enjoy the warmth and sunlight, and spend quality time with those that you love. Life and love is a precious thing. Breath it in and hold it close to your heart.


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