Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 12/12/18 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 12/12/18

12/12/18 is the number 8. Sadness and despair break down the barriers and crack the heart wide open. That to me is the sweetheart message in this number. Sometimes it is the hardships in life that shatter our ego and allow for authentic emotion to be expressed. Do not doubt that it is takes great courage to open the heart and to feel beyond the self. This world needs so much compassion right now. But compassion cannot be expressed if you avoid, protect, or shield yourself from the suffering of others. It seems to me that in this time of giving that this world needs so much attention from humanity. It is crying out for compassion, help, and for humanity to change its behavior. I pray that we all listen to that calling in our heart. Continuing belligerence, manipulative behavior for personal gain, anger, and judging others will only help you accumulated personal karma. What can you do to shift your life towards clearing karma and not accumulating more?
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today
On Wednesday afternoon, talkative Mercury moves into Sagittarius until early January. It first moved into Sagittarius on October 31 but then went retrograde on November 16th and pulled us all aback into the depth and reflection of Scorpio on December 1st. Now back in Sagittarius again, until January 4th, it ignited curiosity, and brings new and brave thoughts forward. You feel bolder and more intuitive. Precision is not its forte in this position. This is excellent for getting out to share with people during the holidays. It is great for big ideas, but you will have to wait to see which of those big ideas actually make it into the mundane world.
Mercury still feels retrograde until it moves out of the shadow on the 24th. Don't get frustrated if you feel you have to keep covering old ground.
The Moon is in Aquarius, harmonizing with the Sun at midday and bringing a much needed feeling of cooperation and reconciliation. You begin to have hope and a small bit of idealism allows for a more broad-minded approach.
~Suzanne Wagner~


These pains you
feel are messengers.
Listen to them.


With so much happening in the world it is time to see that pain is attempting to tell you something. Something important. Pain tells you that something in your life or some choices are out of alignment with the natural order of things. Your monitor for that natural order is your body. Your body is connected to nature and cannot be disconnected from the life force that animates it in this dimension. Our body reminds us when our choices and behaviors are not supporting this physical world. If we cannot take care of our own body, how can we care enough to want to help this world? Everything in life is a tool for teaching and awakening. I have learned that instead of pulling away from pain, which is the natural instinct, you usually need to move into that pain. Listen to its voice and hear what it is attempting to tell the mind. Pain is one of the few things that breaks down the ego and forces the truth to rise above the arguing of the mind. If you find yourself arguing with facts and the experiences of others you are forcing your body to move and believe in a way that is outside the natural order of life. That is never a good idea. To resist the natural flow of life can quickly take all your energy and leave you exhausted. When you align with life there is a natural flow that takes much less energy and focus. Do not fight this life. There is so much to learn from it. Your ego will not get anything of value forcing you to resist life or truth.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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