Saturday, March 17, 2018

Numerology/Astrology fo r3/18/18 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/18/18
3/18/18 is the number 5. What does the number 5 and the meaning of freedom mean to you? Each person might have a particular definition and that is the way it should be because freedom means, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, the absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government, the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved, the power of self-determination attributed to the will, the quality of being independent of fate or necessity, familiarity or openness in speech or behavior.” Notice what it means to you and if you want those things for yourself but refuse to give them to others. The number 5 is about having common sense to the delusions that wish to overtake your mind because your ego wishes to be in control. But the number 5 is all about the rules of nature and life on this planet. You must learn to work with these rules of nature and then you can potentially bend them or modify them in ways that serve the highest good of all. But if you work against nature, nature will push back to let you know that  you are not going the right way. Notice if you are going in the flow of your life and in alignment with the natural laws of this world. If not, make a correction now.
Get ready and begin to prep for the Mercury Retrograde March 22-April 15. So check those computers and make the calls that you need to do now. Pay attention to the details while they seem to make a semblance of sense because things are going to get a bit bumpy. The Sun and Chiron are both in the sign of Pisces today, and this creates a deep desire to find a sense of purpose, increasing your confidence. Alternatively, you might face life lessons that get you in touch with the insecurities that undercut your confidence. The only way to really learn is through trial and error. Then make the necessary corrections and try again. Nothing you start will ever end up exactly the way you envisioned but it might just end up better and have an impact that you did not notice. Have confidence in your skills and use your talents for the highest good. Seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation today. The Moon is in Aries, all day, however, and you want to look towards your future in a positive way. It might be time for a fresh start. The Moon aligns with both Mercury and Venus as both planets near a conjunction, and it is time to clarify your feelings around a particular subject.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“The best people possess a feeling for beauty,
the courage to take risks,
the discipline to tell the truth,
the capacity for sacrifice.
their virtues make them vulnerable;
they are often wounded.
Sometimes destroyed.
~Ernest Hemingway~

Evil twists and evil turns
It wants to destroy, it wants to burn.
It feeds on what has been good in the world.
It drags light into the underworld.
Evil is actually very easy to see.
Especially when you hold truth as your key.
Those that live in hidden lies and hate,
Cannot see evil when it is at their gate.
That is because evil blinds those with egos lens
When ego controls the soul cannot cleanse.
It cannot clear the toxic slime.
It cannot discover how the truth is sublime.
That is why truth wins in the end
The gross and obvious can never transcend.
Those that hold evil only see the surface of life.
They deny all science because it causes them strife.
They are so ignorant that they cannot see
How complex life is beyond their identity.
You cannot make things up as an excuse.
If you make that mistake it ends in abuse.
Those you abuse will haunt you instead.
They are the links in the chains of karmic dread.
With each lie you weigh yourself down.
Trapped by your unhealed emotions and drown.
It is the only way out if you refuse to grow.
If hate is your god and all that you know.
Then you will have created your own hell
And you will have to live your creation as well.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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