Sunday, March 11, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 3/12/18

Numerology/Astrology for 3/12/18
3/12/18 is the number 8. There is a moment when you can no longer allow some level of suffering to continue. I completely understand that we live in a world of suffering but there is an imbalance in this world because there is a greater desire to get out of our own personal suffering by causing others more suffering. That is abominable. Surrounding yourself with all the “goodies” might distract you from your own pain but it will never heal that pain. You also cannot heal world pain by ignoring it by making up stories in your mind. In this world you are asked again and again, to take what you have been given and use it to motivate you towards right action and good. In each moment you have choices. Always practice kindness no matter what others are doing. It is the fastest way through negativity.
The Moon continues its transit of industrious, capable Capricorn until 6:45 PM EST, encouraging you to pay attention to structures, rules, and goals in our lives. It is time to "Pay it Forward". What can you do to help others? What can you do that will help life on this earth right now? What can do you do save another living thing? When you focus outside of your own hurt you find a place to become proactive. And it is right action that leads out of depression and fear. The Capricorn Moon harmonizes with the Sun and Jupiter this morning, promoting cooperation, encouragement, and reconciliation. The Moon moves into Aquarius at 6:45 PM. This stimulates your progressive or revolutionary spirits. You are needed at this time in history and your voice and energy is needed to help this world. You can make a big difference. You just need to try. The Aquarius Moon gives you a determination that has morals and principled values that may be more non-traditional. It draws out your humanitarian impulses and desire to make new and radical changes. Know we are getting closer to a Venus-Saturn square, exact tomorrow morning, that can point to blocks to pleasure or self-protectiveness that limits your new growth experiences to manifest. So, take the energy now and use that momentum tomorrow to carry you through.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Honesty allows us to live with not knowing. We do not know the full story; we do not know where we are in the story. We do not know who, ultimately, is at fault or who will carry the blame in the end.
~David Whyte~


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