Friday, October 06, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 10/7/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/7/17
10/7/17 is the number 9. Completion does not always look calm. Completion can look like anything. Sometimes what causes completion is sheer exhaustion and a type of surrender to let go of what you have been hanging onto so tightly. Sometimes completion is a type of collapse as systems hit a threshold and cannot adapt to the external and internal stresses. I prefer to push us to a completion of choice and conscious awareness. You can actively choose to let things go. You can recognize that things are not going to go as you planned or anticipated and allow the new reality to come more clearly into focus. Even if that focus is not what you want to look at or attend to. Sometimes completion is about getting “real”. That means getting your head out of the clouds and dream world and into the present and with what is right in front of you. Things do not always go the way you want them to. Hanging on to your projected reality becomes toxic when it is no longer in alignment with the cosmic order of things. Life is teaching all of us some hard lessons. I want to think of this as if we are learning to swim or surf in high water, treacherous conditions, and stormy seas. In such moments, we learn how strong we really are. Sometimes completion is surviving a particular moment, learning from that struggle, and becoming grateful for your life.
The Moon is in earthy Taurus all day, and it is time to set down roots, get grounded, deal with what is right in front of you, and connect with family in meaningful ways. There can often be a resistance to change with a Taurus Moon, as energetically you are pulled to what is familiar and what seems “your” normal. Money matters may figure more strongly than usual, but significant new financial initiatives are best avoided now with Venus moving into a square to Saturn (exact tomorrow). Not easily provoked under the influence of a Taurus Moon, this is a time to keep centered and calm when faced with any crises. However, you also tend to have trouble when circumstances require change, preferring to stick with what has worked for you in the past.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Spirit speaks in a whisper of riddles
and hints of potentiality
with no solid base from which
to leap across the chasms of the unknown.
Knowing the possibility
and experiencing that choice
when it comes,
are radically different
in energy, intensity, and risk.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Choices and Consequences
They are a part of the karmic rules of this world.
They cannot be bypassed.
They cannot be avoided.
You cannot buy your way out of the repercussions.
But in every moment your choices change
the hardness or softness of those consequences.
The harshest outcomes are reserved
for those that refuse to change
out of ego and into essence.
Each of us are children learning
and growing into our potential.
What you desire is not who you are.
What we acquire in this life
is not counted as real power.
Getting what you want
is not the way to contentment.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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