Sunday, October 01, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 10/2/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/2/17
10/2/17 is the number 4. The number 4 is the number of earth and mankind. It is about the foundations upon which society and civilizations are born. It is about understanding science and math. After all there are 4 cardinal points, North-South-East-West. There are 4 winds. There are 4 phases of the moon. There are 4 seasons. Four Elements, earth-air-fire-water. The number 4 symbolized God. The Pythagorean philosophy believed there were 4 parts of the soul, mind-opinion-science-sense. Transformation happens when you have hope-faith-love-luck. So this number today, attempts to bring us back to a type of organic, natural, balance that is life-affirming. Notice where you are out of balance and attempt to find a way to come back into alignment. The culprit right now is the mind. The information overload that is happening is unprecedented. How do you consciously choose to stop thinking and gathering up more information when clearly that does not seem to be helping anything right now and instead come back into the body and reclaim a center balance point that is in harmony with everything all around you. Thoughts are not bringing back that balance. They are only leading further away from what is important. And what is important is people, love, connection, learning to work together, and learning to be accepting of all types of life.
The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius until 10:27 AM EDT, harmonizing with Jupiter and Uranus before moving on to the sign of Pisces. This morning, can bring a more friendly and open perspective to some new ideas. You are looking to grow and make progress still, even in such trying times. The Moon's transit of Pisces from 10:27 AM forward is a time for decompressing, winding down, and tapping into your intuition. You are more spiritually aware and sensitive, now, but you can also be evasive and shy away from conflict.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“Awareness is the only way
to have a healthy mind.”

~Suzanne Wagner~

I have been wondering what happened to the American conscience and the American Dream? How did this country become the Death Star of this world? How did we sleepily allow leaders to get in that actually, actively, choose to destroy human lives rather than to support life? I am simply shocked that the lack of values and morality of those in power that make laws and decisions that support big money and greed rather than choose to support life affirming things and the amazing opportunity they have to bring a better balance into the world. Only truly darkly controlled people that are completely out of touch with humanity could do this so recklessly, carelessly, and without regard to the values that I thought this country stood for. The longer it goes on the more damage and karma they create for themselves. It is like watching a cascading series of bombs going off and none of those with the power to stop the process do anything but stand back, frozen in movement, and caught in their own illusion of grandeur. Even when their choices will eventually destroy themselves also, they continue to persist. What is even more amazing is that no matter how much the voice of the people speaks up, there is a numb, paralyzed response plagued with inaction, full on resistance, lack of moral regard, and stubborn insistence that the delusion in which they live is somehow true. It will be interesting to see what unfolds because of these choices. While there are many with great heart and love attempting to counterbalance this reality, the scales continue to fall towards imbalance rather than balance. I know that this is what the universe needs to do to awaken those that have been existing in a sleepy and numb state. I trust that the Divine has a great plan. I know that each of us have been chosen to move through this time and contribute in some way, shape, and form. This is a time and place that will be remembered. Your children’s children will tell stories of this time. How do you think you will be remembered?

~Suzanne Wagner~


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