Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 9/21/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 9/21/17
9/21/17 is the number 4. As the nature attempts to bring human consciousness back to awareness and to the devastating impact human choices have on the totality of the world, all I can do is bow my head in acceptance of the power that is nature and the small mindedness that is greed. Life can be humbling and we are now witnessing this in greater and greater ways. This is how imbalance swings the pendulum in the extreme positions to eventually find the new middle and that new balance. In such moments, there is no control. You must surrender to the power of nature and listen with both ears open as the power of life silences the noise of the ego, greed, and mind.
The Moon spends the day in balance-oriented Libra, asking you to harmonize in your interactions and environments. This aspect makes you want to sidestep conflicts but you will not be able to blindly find your self-illusionary world when you see so much happening outside. It seems that emotionally this Moon is pointing out the obvious imbalances and attempting to wake everyone us to the financial and social imbalances in the world. There are situations that are going to cost multiple millions to fix in already bankrupt countries. What is going to happen to places like the Caribbean when global warming is going to continue to pound these areas into dust and Mother Earth attempting to get our attention with earthquakes devastating Mexico. There are moments when you know that the challenges are just beginning so it is time to really look at what you can do and what you need to do for your own family’s safety and security. We are a one world system now and such large events impact all of us. With Venus in dynamic aspect to Pluto, you are being forced to take an honest look at your relationships, pastimes, and possessions a little more seriously. If you fear a loss power and control you would not be alone. This influence can point to building tensions, doubts, and concerns about governments, financial institutions, and world peace/war issues.
~Suzanne Wagner~

When you are willing
to tell the truth
of your emotions
to yourself
and feel them
all the way through,
you will recognize
that you are the teacher
you have been seeking.
~Suzanne Wagner~

It becomes more and more clear as I grow into that maturity (that life so gracefully hands us all), that so much of the suffering that grown-ups do to others in life, comes from the childhood issues and suffering that was inflicted upon them as innocents. There are those few that use that pain as fuel to inspire them to greatness through art. But unfortunately, we are also witnessing (in the world) those that grew up into adults with frozen emotional parts and thus continue to inflict their suffering on others in a variety of ways into the world. I know that there is a divine plan that show us about life and the karmic challenges that is life, but I dream of a world where parents could become educated in ways that allow for love and compassion to be the guiding principles for parents. I believe that not everyone is built to be a good parent but that education could help in bringing a better balance and understanding if there are enough willing to recognize that when we ignore the needs of children, society begins to fail.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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