Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 6/22/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/22/17
6/22/17 is the number 20.  Take a good look at where you are being called to expand. Right now, the universe is asking you to step beyond the known into the unknown. That does not mean you feel comfortable. But with the Sun in Cancer it is going to be more comfortable than it could be in another time. There is a desire to pursue your pleasures and right now there are a few things that are close to the surface attempting to remind you of what you might have lost or left behind. There were dreams that you had and always wanted to attempt but somehow life got in the way and between work, family, relationships, etc.. you just did not get to that dream. But what about now? There really is no excuse to not at least try. You do not become a Mozart in one lifetime it often takes many lifetimes of practice to perfect certain skills and abilities. Knowledge has to be cultivated and refined to manifest in a high form but much pleasure can be attained by allowing something bigger than yourself to take you over and guide you through a creative process into something new, artistic, and expressive. Before it is too late, take a moment to reach for that dream and see what might happen. Yes, I know your brain thinks it is already too late and that your skill level is not good but that is what practice is for. There are many things that I have done in my life that are not about being the best or most successful at but about stepping out of the known “I” and into the creative spontaneous self that is always right there waiting to be tapped into, touched, and given space to express.
The Moon is in Gemini all day, and you may be especially influenced or seduced by ideas with the Moon's harmonious trine to Jupiter in Libra and challenging square to Neptune. This is a time of an increased need for conversation and mental engagement. While the Moon in Mercury's sign might wind you up on a mental level, generally speaking with the Moon Balsamic as the universe is moving us closer towards a New Moon, it's best to wind down, reflect, and tie up loose ends.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There will come a day when you will stand together
with those with whom you have argued and disagreed.
There will come a day when you see that there are those
who came to challenge you to awaken to your life’s calling…
when you did not want to.
There will come a day when you can see that there were moments
when you were being the best and most loving friend you could be
and yet they still saw you as the enemy.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Living Brave with Brene Brown and Oprah Winfrey


At 8:11 AM, Blogger reformingegotist said...

Thank you for the Brene and Ophra YouTube.


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