Saturday, May 06, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/7/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/7/17
5/7/17 is the number 4. Today, you recognize the need for order over the chaos. You are awakening to a new understanding that the rebellion you might have felt in your heart was not perhaps the most practical or effective method of change. Rarely are choices that are reactive are completely effective in gaining the ground you wished to cover. You begin to see that there is a need for a more practical reality over the chaos of what is appearing in your reality. It is about practicality over the anger and hatred that is manifesting externally. There is a lot of work to do ahead. To accomplish anything you need order, systems, and co-operation to begin the process of healing the painful and gory wounds that have been inflicted on each soul and this beautiful planet. Each person has to deal with the fate of your own karmic limitations and choices. Each person will need to come to a place of peace and awakened awareness by learning the harsh and often troubling lessons of the deception of our own mind. Many have now learned that you cannot trust the mind. You cannot trust the words of those talented and trained in the art of deception. America’s childhood is ending and we will either grow up and take responsibility for the choices, damage, and good that we have done or we will begin to fade away and allow the next evolution of consciousness to expand this world.
The Moon is in Libra all day, promoting cooperation and harmony. The Moon harmonizes with Mars and aligns with Jupiter today, and you feel resourceful and skilled at negotiating. There is a generosity with your energy, happiness, and affection. You are finally beginning to see and feel the deeper intended meaning and because of that awareness it becomes more easy and natural to teach, guide, and share ideas. Your mood is more cooperative, communicative, spirited, and generous. Decision making is easy and natural today. You want to express yourself genuinely and are received well as a result. You tend to take the high road in your dealings with others, giving one another the benefit of the doubt, and you are especially fair in your dealings. The Moon-Jupiter connection can have the effect of magnifying your feelings and attachments.
~Suzanne Wagner~

We are subject to our own creation.
We are the winds that combine to make the storm.
We are the manifestation of what we refuse to own.
We manifest the parts that allow for our own destruction.
But you cannot grow if you will not let parts of yourself die.
You cannot evolve if your beliefs are entrenched and stagnate.
You have to see and witness the power you possess.
And it is only through feeling
the pain and consequences of your choices
that you finally experience
and take greater responsibility
and begin to awaken
to where you allowed
your ego to have the control
over your life rather than your soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I hear the cries and the despair
Of so many who are being treated unfair.
The cruelty of people of who have the power
To hurt others and who want to make them cower,
Is a pattern that cannot be allowed to proliferate.
It is time to stop the insanity and all the hate.
The anger that so many hold inside
Is a toxic slime that bends the mind.
They see a projection of what they fear,
That gives them permission to slander and jeer.
This is not the country that I believed would allow
For such hatred to grow and avow.
Humanity has a long way to go
To find acceptance and to finally know,
That each life form has a place and a right
To exist and thrive and have space in the light.
 ~Suzanne Wagner~


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