Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/4/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 5/4/17
5/4/17 is the number 10. It is time to find the courage that allows you to step forward and find your power and potential. In times of stress you have to reach down deep into your core and discover the treasures you have inside that have been lying there latent patiently waiting for you to need them. Within you are all the tools for your transformation. You just have to be willing to look inside and uncover them. And there are always messages that come to you from the outside. Where people and words arrive at just the right time for you to use to assist you in shifting to the next level of your awareness. Power comes in the external world not by resisting but by being willing to open to whatever the universe is offering. Resistance creates stagnation and that eventually leads to illness, misery, and death. Take this moment to move and open regardless of if you feel it is an easy time or not. We all have to open eventually. Don’t take too long…you might just miss out on something amazing.
The Moon continues to transit playful Leo until 5:47 AM EDT when it enters Virgo. The Virgo Moon reminds you of the importance of attention to details. While it's a helpful, productive Moon position, Virgo's ruler, Mercury, is just pulling out of being retrograde and appearing in the sky as if it is not moving (in preparation to moving forward) and is semi-square to Mars. The Virgo Moon also forms a square to Mars in Gemini, also Mercury-ruled, tonight. This can point to a fair amount of nervous tension and likely argumentativeness. You may be working under stressful or hectic conditions, as you feel pressure to get things done quickly. There can be abrupt interruptions, snappiness, and irritability. Conflicts of interest are likely, but it's your tense reaction to these that can be most challenging. The Sun is approaching an awkward quincunx to Jupiter, exact tomorrow morning, but influencing us today as well. As much as Mercury-Mars wants you to make quick decisions, the Sun-Jupiter influence challenges you with two choices that seem equal in desirability.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Each of us have traveled forever.
Seeking other places to expand love and light.
Seeking other experiences to have.
And seeking other souls to connect to.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Do you recognize the darkness that surrounds and swirls?
Do you respond to evil as it unfurls?
Life is choice and choices create your world.
Choices show you what is hidden in your netherworld.
You cannot make darkness into light.
But you must recognize it upon sight.
The darkness that is held in each of us
Must be opened, worked, and untrussed.
You personally can shift the balance of light.
By owning the hidden, hateful, blight.
But other cannot shift or change,
What has coiled around and rearranged,
The way you see light and the way you ignore dark.
The way you project your unhealed parts.
Let the light you hold inside
Illuminate the darkness you refuse to abide.
Give it the energy and love it so desperately needs.
Darkness can grow and evolve if it feeds.
It is hateful because it has not been loved.
It is hurtful because it did not feel beloved.
When you shift to see it is all you,
Then you can discover and breakthrough.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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