Numerology/Astrology for 3/2/17
3/2/17 is the number 6. The number 6
is all about your spiritual quest and the effort and work that such a quest
takes. It is the Lovers card in the tarot, where the white queen and dark king
come together in intimate union. It is about falling in love with your
opposite. It is about the healing power of love to help you see life from
another perspective other than your own. It is about opening your mind to the
grand master plan that is what the Divine is teaching you, not necessarily what
you wish to learn. Take a look inside to what will generate peace, balance, and
grace in your life. But also look at where you are hypocritical, standing in a
protective mental state where you feel morally superior, and where you are
being selfish. Each of us have two sides. Each of us are an immersion of light
and dark. The more you believe you are light the more you do not see your own
darkness and how that hidden side pushes out into the world. When you cannot
see your own inner darkness you manifest things externally for you to learn to
see it. Notice what you see out there in the world and where your attention
goes. If you are only seeing the negative than you need to see how that
negative is you inside. If you are attempting to see both then you are also
attempting to find the balance inside your own soul.
The Moon finishes its transit of
Aries at 2:43 AM EST when it enters Taurus. While the Taurus Moon seeks
stability, predictability, love, and comfort, a long-term aspect that becomes
exact today reaches for freedom and progress instead. Jupiter opposes Uranus,
an aspect that first formed precisely in December and that will perfect again
on September 27th. This is a transit that cries out for freedom. It changes the
course of our close relationships. You want to find that deep connection with
others but you also want to hold on tightly to our individuality. In the end,
there’s a deep desire to release yourself from pressures, strains, and areas of
life where you are feeling afraid, concerned, and deeply constrained. Expect
events that can bring sudden changes to your heart or personal life path. The
desire to grow and progress is adamant now. You feel open to looking at new
possibilities and you seek to find inspiration from unusual sources. This
aspect can also create rebelliousness and impulsiveness if pushed too far.
While this transit can give you just the right motivation to try something new
or break free from a limiting situation, be careful to not glorify all that is
new and fresh to the point that you forget what is truly important in your life
and in your world. People, friends, and loved one are what we all need when
times get tough. Be careful to not burn too many bridges that you might need
~Suzanne Wagner~
Some loved her
For her honesty
Some hated her
For her truth
Neither a poet
Nor a writer…
She was just
A simple woman
Who thought deeply
And felt…too much.
~Facebook site: She Used To Care~
What do you care if the world
should end?
What does it matter if governments do not bend?
Where do you live and in what time do you perceive you are?
Perhaps you are reaching for that illusion from afar.
The only game is the “Here and Now.
The past glories are dead anyhow.
You are not safe; your life is going to change.
There are those in charge that are actually deranged.
They want to destroy your water and air.
They want to make laws and refuse to repair.
Their hearts are black and their souls have been bought.
And they are many in number and protect each other’s lot.
What will you do as they take
everything away?
What will it take for you to stand up and say?
How bad will you allow it to get?
Before you admit that you believed their poisonness gazette.
~Suzanne Wagner~
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