Saturday, March 18, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 3/19/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/19/17
3/19/17 is the number 5. The number 5 asks you to put both feet firmly on the ground. Deal with the reality and what is right in front of you. Don’t take people in your life for granted and stay open to the humanity that is suffering all around you. Each person has a story. Each person has a way that they have learned to cope with their challenges in life. Whether you agree or disagree with those choices is not really relevant. I have discovered that each of us makes choices based on the information we have available. The problem is that most of the time we don’t have all the information to be able to make an informed decision. Or we make choices based on bias and prejudice. But all things learned can be unlearned. All choices can be modified and changed. Yes, that might take time and effort (not to mention a lot of discomfort) but they can be modified and you can grow beyond the limited choices and actions of your past. Today, what do you need to modify? What do you need to recognize is a behavior or choice that is limiting you? Are you willing to grow and see what might be behind that wall? I remember a teacher of mine said a simple thing. Suzanne, imagine you are on a path and you come to a wall, “What do you do?” My answer was quick, “I climb over the wall!” Then the teacher said, “What if you could not see a way around that wall and it was too tall to climb?” My answer (equally quick) I will figure a way to get past that wall, whether I have to build something to get higher and climb over it or dig under it. In life sometimes you have to reach beyond what you are comfortable with and stretch higher and out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you have to dig deep into the recesses of your darkest self to get past a block. Today, it is time to do one or the other. It is up to you.
The Moon is in Sagittarius all day. This gives you the ability to get moving and to experience life more fully and with less effort. You are ready to break out of your routines and the mundane. Doing things different is very appealing. A change of scenery is in order today. You are not interested in the details, just now. Today, focus on the big picture. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need for growth and transformation. You are motivated by a need to seek the truth, and you are ready to pursue a new vision. The Moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Uranus today, stimulating your need for change, progress, and improvement. This is a good day. You are on the move and you are ready, willing, and able to change. Resistance suddenly feels not necessary.
~Suzanne Wagner~

In connecting deeply
with others
we unravel parts
of ourselves
and leave them
inside others
to sit and seep
into the needed recesses
of their soul.
In telling the story or sharing
we are unweaving
the finest threads
of our experience
and sharing them
with those that seem ready.
In doing so
those threads multiply
and become part
of the tapestry of others.
Only in this way
can we create
a quilt of humanity
that will hold
the love and compassion
to heal the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~

It is with gratitude that I have my friends from Bhutan here with me. I have set them up in my cabin and I think it is the perfect place for them to have the peace and quiet as well as the space to meditate. I have been working hard to make it really functional and cute. I have put in a kitchenette and so they have everything they need right there for meals and meditation. Unfortunately, it plans on raining for the next week so I am going to have to see what we can do during that time. They are very easy and loving and I am sure all things will be wonderful to them. They seem very happy to be here. And I feel blessed to be able to sponsor them to come to the US for the first time. It will be very exciting. I will keep all of you informed. I plan on having a gathering for my friends to meet them while they are here.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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