Monday, March 13, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 3/14/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/14/17
3/14/17 is the number 9. The number 9 helps you address what is still incomplete in your life? It may also let you see where you are more complete in your life than you might have expected. The later, is what I am personally addressing. Regardless of the chaos of the world I feel singularly at peace with my life and my choices. That is not to say I am perfect but I see all choices as places where I allowed myself to grow and discover who I was. I really don’t believe there are bad choices. I believe we choose in order to uncover our bias and prejudices. We choose in order to grow and expand our minds. Constriction is a wonderful way to discover what is really important to you and what is not. There are no judgments about that statement your mind and spirit learn and grow based on what interests you. Not all things seem important in one moment but they may be important in the next moment. That is also how we learn. It is easy to get overwhelmed and to want to shut out certain things that do not align with our beliefs or present reality. Change comes harder to some than others. In a strange way, I believe the ability to change and adapt or not is one of the reasons we die. The more you are unwilling to accept what is presented and adapt to what is arising the more you become rigid, immoveable, and stagnant. It takes a lot of energy to resist the truth of each moment and over time that becomes a terrible waste of precious life force energy. So today, look at where you are locked in a pattern or belief that is contrary to what is happening now. Look to where you are not willing to deal with a present life circumstance or situation. Look to where you are using your energy to resist the truth and open instead of close to “what is” all around you.
Communications planet Mercury has moved into the shadow of his coming retrograde cycle starting April 9. He moves into pioneering Aries on Monday, suggesting you begin to open to new ideas to better live your life. When a planet is in the shadow prior to turning retrograde, you get a hint about what you will need to work on during the retrograde (in this case, April 9-May 3). This spring has a theme of shifting values, especially in changing relationships and material world needs and desires. Wednesday and Thursday are the best days for projects that require intense focus and research. Turn off the phone and concentrate on projects that require laser beam focus. The Sun and Chiron meet in the sign of Pisces today, and this can pull up an opportunity to find a sense of purpose, increasing your confidence. Alternatively, you might face life lessons that get you in touch with the insecurities that hold you back and make you doubt yourself and feel less confident. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and others is strong now, and problem-solving is favored. This can be a time of building faith or confidence in your skills and talents. You can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation. The Moon transits Libra all day, stimulating your desire for peace, harmony, and companionship. However, it feeds into an ongoing T-square, adding the need to shake things up and make changes in order to get to a better place in your relationships.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I have seen many storms in my life.
Most storms have caught me by surprise,
so I had to learn quickly to look further
and understand I am not capable of
controlling the weather,
to exercise the art of patience
and to respect the fury of nature.
~Paulo Coelho~

You hear the storm coming. There are always signs. The wind changes direction,
The clouds above you are moving rapidly, the air smells different. There are always signs from the universe to help you prepare for what is to come. But we get caught in our reality.
Caught in the overwhelming mental chatter and media frenzy of life. What if you could listen today? For just a moment? It does not take long for nature to show you the obvious.
You are gifted with incredible perceptive abilities. You are being asked to use them. You get angry when you did not see or sense something coming. But if you look back you understand that you were warned. You chose the familiar projection
of your mind, over the smell of the air, the change in the wind, and the taste of the coming storm.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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