Saturday, September 05, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 9/6/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 9/6/15
September 6th is the number 5. It is the weekend and the winds are changing, literally, in some areas. The weather pattern is palpably moving towards fall and the rains are coming in, the wind is clearing out the old air, and it would be a good day to stop and feel into this energetic shift. Doing too much is going to go against the flow. There is a problem with feeling overwhelmed and so being still this weekend is a good idea. This morning, Venus turns direct after a retrograde period that began in July. Slowly but surely, over the next few weeks, matters ruled by Venus (including love and money) will move forward in a more straightforward manner. Confidence in the universe builds and warmth and affection are easier to express openly. More clarity is likely to come to your love and social relationships. Today, as this shift occurs, you may feel confused or disoriented. The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 1:41 PM, when it enters the sign that it rules, Cancer.
~Suzanne Wagner~

A wolf and a girl are one and the same. When lonely, one cries to the moon, the other cries to the sky.
~Poetry Language~

How often have you howled at the moon? How often have you screamed at the sky as pain exploded out of your body? How often have you demanded from the universe the relationship that is yours to appear in your life? How often have you bargained with God in moments of great internal or external conflict? We are all connected in that lonely cry to that bigger energy that we know exists outside of us. As humans we think that we should have self-control but when we keep everything in we remain alone. How can anyone know how you are feeling unless you express it in some way? Today, let the feelings out and let others in. Let the Divine know of your longing. Only when you express a heart-felt request and deep yearning can you activate the magnetic power of emotions to work for you and attract what you want into your life. You are never alone. But you have to let the power of your feelings become the attractive magic to bring what you want to you. Holding feelings in can work against you. Expressing them authentically with heart and sincere longing will shift your reality in beautiful ways if you allow them to.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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