Friday, September 04, 2015

2015 Fall Wild Women Symposium Interview with Andrea Bernstein

I always love speaking with my dear friend, Andrea Bernstein. She was so popular at the last Wild Women Symposium that we are having her again at the Oct 2-4, 2015 event and teaching two new classes. Check her out. Her classes are:

Shamanic Ceremony to Awaken the Wild Woman Within!
Ceremony brings us into alignment within ourselves and our connection to all of life; it enables us to move beyond our rational and emotional mind to access our deepest, most authentic expression. In this experiential workshop, we will create an envelope of dreams known as a ‘Despacho’ in order to release outdated patterns and offer our intentions to bring our wildest dreams to life! The Despacho Ceremony is a central practice of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru which is fed with our breath and prayers to give thanks for what we have and come into balance with what we are calling in.


Shamanic Wisdom for Wild! Awakening
Shamanic maps have been passed down for thousands of years and provide us with processes and techniques that take us beyond the mind and emotions to support the creation of authentic, sustainable and purposeful lives, individually and collectively. This class is an incredible opportunity to glimpse into the ancient cosmology that supports you to shift outdated patterns and beliefs at the deepest levels and gain clarity to move forward as your most authentic wild self!


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