Friday, March 13, 2015

Wild Women Light for 3/13/15

Wild Women Light 3-13-15

Your intuition is a muscle. To develop it, you must listen.
~Phil Good~

This is an essential point. I believe that everyone is intuitive and that intuition is a natural gift. But with all gifts you have to use it or you loose it or at least you will not pay attention when it shows up. You have to work with it to learn how it works and flows. You have to test it through trial and error to sort out what is ego and what is intuition. Learning to have stillness inside is the first step to being able to hear those subtle messages that are all around you. As I teach intuition classes (and I love doing it), I gently show doorways that have some consistency and ability to be utilized in the physical world. In truth there are so many messages out there that sorting them can be challenging. That is why psychics, intuitives, mediums, and mystics have systems and maps that they use that work consistently for them. What is amazing is that everyone has a different tool, map, or access to divine wisdom and they are not the same for everyone. That is why intuition is so personal and unique. We cannot give someone our awareness but we can lead them to the dawning of their own.
~Suzanne Wagner~

How To Develop and Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities


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