Friday, March 13, 2015

Wild Women Love Series for 3/13/15

Wild Women Love Series 3/13/15

If you put your heart against the earth with me, in serving every creature, our beloved will enter you from our sacred realm and we will be... we will be so happy.

Love and devotion are intimately connected. When the heart of love beats true, it steps you out of your childish narcissism and into the space between ego and self. Only from that place can you really see another. Those we love should not have found their place into our heart because they did what we wanted all the time. They should have woven their energies into our life because of their authentic heart and expression. Those who truly love us tell us the truth, especially when we are being in an unconscious place. No one likes to be called on the carpet and forced to look at our actions with the cold and calculating eye of truth. But those that love us are willing to do that. They are willing to risk everything because the love outweighs ego. It outweighs what you want to hear. Love cannot be separated from truth. Even if that truth is not correct for another, that truth will need to be spoken. Today, look and see to what you are devoted? True love is devoted to supporting another in being the very best person they want to be not the very best person you want them to be.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Real McCoy – Love and Devotion


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