Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Spark of Your Creative Self

I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me draw.
~Vincent Van Gogh~

What sparks your creative self? Is it the look and the smile of another person? Is it the magic of nature? Is it touching someone who is in need? We are all artists in our own life. Whether or not you see yourself in that light is up to how you talk to yourself on the internal levels. When you do something of value, do you compliment yourself? Do you hear your own mind be grateful for this experience? Does your heart burst open in spontaneous moments of bliss at the sound of music or the wind as it whips through the trees? Seek out the creative expression of your soul. It is what makes life have depth and meaning. It is why you came here in the first place. You came to discover new ways to experience joy, wonder, and bliss. You came to earth to be overwhelmed with sensation. You wanted to be taken beyond your mind and present level of knowing. Let life take you on that ride. Do not let yourself be distracted by the fears and the unknown. Let go. Feel the flow as it holds you in its safe embrace. You are never alone and you can always find the door you are seeking. All you have to do it stop trying.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The Power of Art – Vincent Van Gogh
This the whole episode and it is long but very well worth the time to watch all the way through.


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