Saturday, November 03, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/18

Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/18

11/4/18 is the number 8. This number 8 reminds us of the past and those that we have lost to time. Know that you never lose them in spirit. They are always with you. We are all connected through the glue of love. It creates a resonance and frequency that helps us find each other over all times and spaces. Reflect today on the miracle of friends and those that reached out to us just when we needed it. And give back that love today by sending good thoughts and memories out into the ethers. You are never alone. We are just continues lights experiencing miracles again and again.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Get ready for a busy and changeable week, starting with USA residents changing their clocks one hour backwards. Sunday and Monday support relationship conversations and any talks that require diplomacy.
The Moon is in Virgo till early morning and it goes into Libra. Practice diplomacy and remember kindness wins (eventually) all arguments. Harmony is achieved through listening.
The Moon forms a square to Saturn in Capricorn around Noon and it might put a damper on your spirits as you recognize how much you still need to get done. But never fear the Moon will sextile Mercury around the same time and there is help on the way. Friends are there to support you through it.
The Sun and Mars form a parallel and this makes your drive very strong. Know that you will react more quickly than normal to situations. Let your heart dictate tone because your strong will, expresses as transparent and direct.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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