Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 10/11/18 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 10/11/18

10/11/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is the number of earth magic. This earth is magical in so many ways. We still do not really know how it completely works or even why it manages to exist floating and spinning out here in space. We take gravity for granted and yet know that without it none of this would exist. When you cannot completely explain or understand things you place the phenomenon in the domain of magic. Which is a loose definition of things that as of yet, cannot be explained. This beautiful earth needs to be treasured and appreciated. But still at this time it seems to be used mostly for exploitation and money. That is a shame. We live in cities, glued to our phones and electronic devices while others take advantage of nature and want to destroy such beauty and wonder. If you do not take the time to enjoy nature and feel the healing that takes place in the quiet and peaceful raw places that remain, then others will secretly take advantage of them behind your back. I love living in my personal Sangra-La of redwood trees where nature is allowed to be. I don’t disrupt the natural order of the land and my neighbors pretty much do the same. If everyone gave money to the groups that buy, save, and protect land, this world would keep some of those precious places for the future. Love the land. Save the natural places. And you will save this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues to magnify the emotional depths that need to be revealed and as it aligns with Jupiter the intensity you feel will increase. Do your best to channel that energy into an absorbing project or something of great interest. Constructive focus helps curbs destructive thoughts.
So much is pushing each of us internally and externally I think I want to look at what is positive under these extreme circumstances. Let’s start with the fact that you can no longer expect the world to conform to your particular bubble. So, you have to discover and learn to own your own power. Real power comes from a strong sense of self rather than the superficial triviality that is derived from manipulating people into doing what you want them to do. As the external controls are pushing in on internal freedoms, your best bet is to find the place of self-control, personal accountability and mental discipline. With those three traits you will navigate this world more constructively.
You might want to end your work day early on Thursday and keep a low profile in the evening as the balance of Libra is challenged by the obsessive planet Pluto. This square continues to bring buried issues up into our face. Do not put faith in others or groups, as you will be disappointed. Instead learn to listen and allow those emotions to move, surface, and fully integrate into your awareness in conscious ways that allow for the expansion of self-knowing.
A Mercury-Saturn sextile is coming up shortly, so sort things logically and deliberately. Be efficient in your approach to the world. Getting organized and attending to the details supports a calm, clear, and conscious movement forward. ~Suzanne Wagner~


“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is a not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”
~Dwight D. Eisenhower~


Watching a world gasping for breath.
Watching people frozen like death.
Waiting for a country to rise up.
Waiting for the inevitable blowup.
What you see is what you fear.
What you see is crystal clear.
Where you go is up to you.
Where you go is about follow-through.
When will we learn the lessons history shows?
When will we learn to not let hate impose?
~Suzanne Wagner~

Fight for truth. Fight for life.
Fight against all that continue strife.

Fight for love. Fight for trust.
Fight against dissociated lust.

Fight for those that cannot fight for themselves.
Fight against those hateful elves.

They hold no power, only fear.
But wars are not won with a sneer.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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