Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 6/28/18 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 6/28/18

6/28/18 is the number 9. The number 9 is the number of karma and spiritual awakening. Truth generates a type of self-sacrifice and selfless charity that supports all members of a community to grow in a more equal manner. All of humanity strives to find their own evolutionary sense of wholeness and completion. Each of us have a soul mission and life purpose that is the highest expression of this life’s potential and should be allowed to have that chance to discover and share. A world without everyone having the ability to give their gifts becomes a shallow and insubstantial world. The number represents the North Node of the Moon which is the indicator of how the actions in this life are often the unhealed residue of past life choices. I try to look inside and see if the places I move towards feel familiar or new. I believe that life is about learning new things again and again. Repeating the same things, while comforting in their familiarity are often not what will actually work in these new situations. I believe that we reincarnate to make new choices and decisions that are to be life affirming and life supportive. Choices made from ego are all about getting what you want and being right. The number 9 asks you to take responsibility for your choices and to take action from a place of wisdom. Because this number is about asking if you have learned the earthly lessons of selflessness, compassion, and forgiveness.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Mercury moves into Leo late on Thursday. Because it turns retrograde July 25, the communications planet will be in this heart opening sign until September 5 rather than its normal three weeks. Do your best to be kind and loving with this influence. There is so much that is making this world a worse place to be. Do your best to tell the truth but to be kind in the process. Make time to play this summer. Be creative and review where your heart is engaged. Today a Full Moon occurs as the Cancer Sun opposes the Moon in Capricorn. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of what we started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time. You might have an epiphany or discover your deeper true feelings about a situation or person. Listen to that. When truth reveals itself go with that even if that means you must step away from a person or a situation. Projects in your life are reaching a turning point.
The Cancer-Capricorn polarity makes you look at the balance between what you consider your private life, how you want your home to be and feel, and bringing in what nurtures you, (represented by Cancer) versus how you appear in public to others, how your career impacts your external world, how attached you are to your reputation, and how willing you are to be accountable (represented by Capricorn). Cancer encourages you to find what you value about your home and family, while Capricorn persuades you to really look at your bigger global duty and responsibility in the world. Cancer represents the origin, and Capricorn represents the goal. You cannot neglect either side without having a very negative consequence. This Full Moon asks you to balance your home life to the commitment to support the world.
This Full Moon aligns with Saturn and trines Uranus, suggesting somewhat sober realizations that there may be some tough decisions or choices ahead. Life is going to give you a reality check. Are you aware enough to see where you are off?
With a Venus-Chiron minor challenge today, there is a tendency to focus on differences rather than similarities. There seems to be too much of that particular energy at the moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~


“Refraining from harm,
not out of fear,
but out of concern for others,
their well-being
and out of respect
is non-violence.”

~Dalai Lama~


The weight of hate is in the density of fear.
A fear that this person is unwilling to acknowledge.
That fear eats away at the soul
allowing it to become less and less secure.
Then the person lashes out at what they perceive
as the thing that is making them feel uncomfortable.
They have to hate their perceived problem
and they must destroy that in whatever way they can.
But such a choice does not get the fear to go away.
That fear will only fester in its bowl of toxic hate,
until the person recognizes
that it is not that they hate
the other person or thing
but that they hate themselves
and that they hate their own fear.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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