Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 1/3/18 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 1/3/18
1/3/18 is the number 6. Numerologically, I was born with the gift of 6. Because of that I am compelled to be a voice of care, protection, healing and emotional order. I know that the present situation in this world (and I mean the whole world) is breaking hearts. I wish for those hearts to break open and to remember that loving each other is essential to co-creating a peaceful world. The number 6 is about compromise and tolerance. It is that unselfish part within you that is willing to sacrifice for others because of a deep communal empathy for all of life. Without the willingness to go deep into the places where you have compulsive attachments to money, fame, and success you cannot really discover who or what you are. Balance only happens when you can see both sides of your nature and learn to fully integrate them. This moment in time is forcing many to see their own shadow in a harsh light of truth. It can be quite a shock to see manifest in your life, your own self-distortion, delusion, and denial. But see it you must if this world is to heal. Balance comes from full awareness. Living in a polarized reality is what each of us came to do and learn from. But if you will not look at what you hide from yourself, you can never really know who you are. It is in the depths that you discover the keys that will stop the polarizing and unify the duality within your soul. Denial is a closed door to truth and full integration. Curiosity and willingness are the tools that your spiritual avatar is seeking for you to discover the greatest treasure inside your soul. The answer is not “out there”. It is within your most deeply held secrets and hidden pain.
Wednesday morning under a gentle combination of Venus and Neptune. Relationships and dreams deserve extra attention. The Moon ends its transit of Cancer and enters Leo at 2:23 AM EST. The Leo Moon is attempting a bright and bubbly disposition and mood today. It is also action and results oriented so expect to dive into some of those projects. With a sextile between Venus and Neptune today, your flow becomes more imaginative and attuned to the worlds of beauty and romance. Approach one another more gently today and with great consideration. A magical time on a romantic and social level is possible now, as you are inclined to see your relationships from a more spiritual overview. Compassion is always the way. How can you open up and embrace more loving feelings in your life. There can be a new and deeper commitment to work through tough problems instead of pushing them under the rug. Explore this renewed willingness to put your talents to good use. Make the decision to take better care of yourself and discover how you can fuel or reignite your motivation to pursue a particular path.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I like the night time things.
~Victoria Erickson~

When love connects us above and below.
When people are not afraid to show.
When humanity learns to accept instead of pretend.
When you understand fears lesson is to bend.
When compassionate hearts become the way.
When acceptance is the gateway.
When your heart reveals the truth.
When age is valued over youth.
When how much you have, does not define.
When there is no difference between yours and mine.
When love is the answer and passion a play.
When joy is the quest and peace has the power to sway.
That is where a shift will take place
And bring humanity back to grace.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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