Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/17
4/19/17 is the number 6. You will feel the need to go inward and to let go of the expectations that externally things will shift quickly. You are in a cycle where the external answers are not forthcoming and so your only option is to go inward. In the quiet and solitude of your inner self is the only answer worth having and that is to stay awake and aware of what is happening in the world and hold the space of great adaptability and the ability to shift at a moment’s notice. When you have plans and a course of action prepared then you can respond with less fear and more active consciousness.
This morning, the Last Quarter Moon is exact as the Sun in Aries forms a square with the Moon in Capricorn. Astrologically, once again humanity is at a crisis of consciousness. The light is dispersing and you come to a point when you need to sort out what works, and what doesn't. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It's time to begin finishing up some important things in your life. The Moon enters Aquarius at 5:58 AM EDT. This afternoon, the Sun enters Taurus, where it will transit until May 20th. In Taurus, the Sun is methodical, sensual, and receptive. The Sun in Taurus is most active when it is defending or resisting things! As the Sun moves through Taurus when plants take root, your determination and security needs become stronger and more important. Taurus is loyal to all that is familiar and values when something has staying power. Shadow qualities are possessiveness and bullheadedness. Unfortunately, that means that leaders can get more stubborn and entrenched. An inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun will occur shortly into the day tomorrow. This is a good time for processing recent events and ideas, and for humanity to look at problems or issues from a new perspective and with a new understanding. Significant new ideas can be birthed at this time, and these are likely to have real staying power or importance in your life. What you say or write now has impact, for better or for worse. However, you may not have all the facts necessary to come to a conclusion, and might later have to revise plans or decisions made now.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You cannot defend something
that has no heart and no soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Word for the Day - Complacency
Definition of complacency. A feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation or condition.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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