Sunday, April 09, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 4/10/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 4/10/17
4/10/17 is the number 6. A Full Moon and the number 6 perfectly align. Both want quiet and a reflective moment to regroup. Both want to rest and allow an integration on a deeper level. You know what you need to do but now it is a matter of discipline to begin that journey to make it happen. It is only through repetition that we learn to make new patterns so organic and fluid that they become one with our psyche. Change can happen quickly because the awareness of dysfunction is often light a lightning bolt of insight and clarity. But the integration of those “enlightening moments” often can take years. The unraveling process of ingrained patterns that were learned or actually passed through your DNA is a much more complicated process. It takes patience, time, understanding, great insight, and a plan or approach to allow that new energy to find its home and place to ground into your core.
Did anyone else feel that Full Moon coming in the last few nights? I find it so fascinating that I have those curtains that totally block the light out and I still woke up to the Moon light directly in front of my window in the middle of the night. It was like daylight. Some people get affected before the moon, some during the moon, and some right after. This one now is strong and bringing a deep sense of needing to rest in a way that will help align all the changes that are happening in your world right now. The Full Moon is on Monday April 10 at 11:08 PM PDT (22 degrees Libra-Aries). This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability. The Libra Moon is diplomatic, equality-minded, and fair-minded. The Aries Sun values authenticity over tact and is energized by independent efforts. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict. There can be revelations, epiphanies, big reveals, turning points, and culminations today and tomorrow. Our emotional discoveries are large, dramatic, or exaggerated as the Sun aligns with Uranus, opposes the Moon and Jupiter, and forms a square with Pluto. Changes are necessary, and resistance will only serve to attract opposition. Both Venus (Libra's ruler) and Saturn are slow-moving and square one another, suggesting blocking of satisfaction. The Moon is in Libra all day. The Grand Cross that has been pulling you apart to put you back together in a better way for the past two months has this full moon landing directly on it. This heightens the action under the signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. You want to pioneer your own unique path, yet have happy relationships. You want to nurture yourself and those who are near and dear to your heart, yet you want to serve the larger good of humanity. Don’t pack your schedule too tightly on the days surrounding this full moon, because unexpected tasks or activities pop up. Also pay attention to the budget because the full moon aligned with optimistic Jupiter can produce emotional purchases. Jupiter believes in doing it bigger- more is better (not a great time to go to an all you can eat buffet!). Still, this full moon can help you integrate all the various aspects of your life if you don’t mind a somewhat messy renovation of your priorities. Remember that Mercury just turned retrograde for the next three weeks, so review and revise how you put all the pieces of your life into a working whole (or are you ignoring something important?)
~Suzanne Wagner~

Spiritual family is all around you.
Through the laws of attraction
we come together again and again,
to dance the dance of chaos and love.
Enemies and friends are all a part
of that spiritual family.
Have you ever noticed
that some conflicts feel ancient?
There is a memory
of a pattern that is repeating.
What if it is time to change that pattern?
What if it is time for you to remember
that you are dancing with yourself.
The reflections are all you.
The joy is all you.
The pain is all you.
Let the emotions
become the colors on your palate.
Let the tears become the liquid
that makes those colors flow.
Let the unknown guide you through the chaos.
And learn to let life be a glorious dance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Stand for truth, stand for love.
Hold the values from up above.
There are those that use words to create
Illusions, deception, and wish to conflate.
You cannot choose to be of love
when you hate and want to “get rid of”.
Love is about acceptance of all of life
not just the parts that don’t cause you strife.
Self-deception is a powerful thing.
It is a poison you use to hurt and sting.
What you deny is a whip,
that you lash out with to feel leadership.
But then you only become more entrapped
and your soul becomes karmically kidnapped.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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