Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 8/4/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/4/16
8/4/16 is the number 3. There is much to be positive about. The astrology has shifted into more movement and that heaviness of Mars in Scorpio is beginning to lift. Energy and positive flow inspires us to look to the best of mankind rather than the worst of mankind. The timing of the Olympics could not be better but I feel bad for the athletes and those who know that this Olympics is going to be under the most pressure and strain of any we have seen in a long time. I send love and light to Brazil, as a country that is under tremendous financial pressure right now and to the Russian team who has been at the whim of a government that puts their ego ahead of their own people. The number 3 is about looking squarely at those things that are divine and those things that have a dark quality. The darkness is becoming more and more clear and that is designed to propel us back to our divine nature. The Moon continues its transit of Leo until 3:34 AM EDT when it enters Virgo. The Virgo Moon is practical and helpful. Yes, that attention to detail may make you feel a bit pressured or harried this morning with a Moon-Mars square and a Mars-Pluto semi-square. However, as the day advances, it becomes easier to get into a comfortable routine. You will want to be useful and productive, and focusing on details seems the best route to making headway. You are inclined to be analytical, critical, and technical under a Virgo Moon. The details of daily existence capture your attention more than usual now.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“She wasn’t someone who would stand back and watch you slay the dragon, she would instead throw your sword away and teach you how to ride it.”


I highly recommend a goal for each and every American to travel abroad for a considerable period of time such as a month or so. That is because the narrow perspective that some American’s hold so tightly to would completely change in an instant of experience by traveling outside our beautiful country. Travel makes you recognize how different and unique our American world is. It makes you recognize how tremendously different humanity is and how much cultures and their personal perspectives are beautiful and that they have value. It makes you see that we are vastly outnumbered and we cannot hold on to a perspective that is so narrow and limited. If we do, we will become out of touch with the intelligence, language skills, money, and power that is really out there in the world. Only a small mind would think that we are the center of this world. Only a mind that has never been confronted by the truth of life would think that we are a majority. We can learn to be inclusive or we as a country will suffer the consequences of such arrogance.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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