Saturday, July 09, 2016

Astrology for July 2016 - The Rip Tides of Change

Astrology for July 2016

Here we are in July and lets just say that during the Month of Cancer with the Neptune in Pisces, there is a tremendous amount of water happening and there are many of you out there who are feeling as if the emotions that have been happening are giving you the “bends”.
You feel discombobulated and out of sorts with all the intensity and that intensity is stirring up the deep sands in your ocean and bringing things to light that have been buried for a long time. That is not always pleasant and yet within that revelation there can be some treasures that emerge if you are willing to look past the story of the wreckage from moments in your life and instead choose to sift those sands to reveal the things that you have forgotten and that also lay buried deep in your past.
We are in the month where we move from a Lunar (Moon) based sign (which is Cancer) to a Solar (Sun) based sign (which is Leo). Whenever you have that extreme of a polarity you can expect a lot to happen in a short period of time. Just as fruits ripen quickly in the intense heat of this time of year, you too can ripen to your full potential if you are willing to do the work and get up in that tree to pick that fruit when it is the ripest. If you get lazy and are not willing to do the work the hesitancy will cause you to loose the moment and that which could be relished in its sweetness, will rot and you will not be able to enjoy the fruits and bounty that the Universe offered.
In the area of Major Transits (where the big planets are moving) there is not a lot going on but in the area of aspects, the energies happening in that area, there are quite a lot of things happening. This can be somewhat confusing as we associate the big planets moving as having greater impact and while that is true, when you have so much small stuff happening you can have a more radical shift that will feel as if you are less in control and that you will have a harder time predicting what might be happening.
Now some astrologers will see this as being an easier month and August (which has a lot more major transits happening) to be more intense. And while the height of summer (August-The Dog Days of Summer) is notorious for its intensity, I believe that this month has more impact than the astrology obviously shows.
Venus and Mercury are entering Leo and that brings a fun, playful, exciting flow of connection and communication to your life if you are willing to navigate the wild waters of Neptune’s illusions. It is also a recommendation to not take things so seriously. But I am afraid that this potential will not be recognized as the planet Neptune is the second largest planet in the solar system and it’s gravitational pull and impact on Earth right now is stronger than anyone in memory has experienced. The last time Neptune was in Pisces was 165 years or so ago.
I believe that the level or our self-delusion is so deep and it has been so blindly numbing to our soul that bringing your awareness out of the illusion and into the true light of the reality could be very difficult. And there will be those that take the fiery expression of the Venus and Mercury in Leo the wrong direction and lash out with all that fixed fire energy, as they will feel as if they are fixed, right, and certain of their position.
But what Neptune is teaching all of us, is that nothing that we have perceived is accurate. We have been deeply asleep for a long time and waking up after you have been put under anesthesia is difficult and discombobulating to say the least.
The Sun, with its best friends, Venus and Mercury in Leo is a bit of an overload in the Leo reality. I am a Leo and I believe that there can be too much of a good thing. When there is just so much fire the tendency to explode and overreact in a self-righteous way increases. I find it is essential right now to keep the fire in check with the compassionate attitude of Neptune if at all possible.
We have a full Moon in Capricorn on July 19th and this is the second one we are having. We had another one, at the end of June where it was technically in Sagittarius but it was all the way at the edge and I say that when something is close to that edge it bleeds a little bit both ways. And it did go into Capricorn for 2 ½ of those days. So there will be a bit of a test to see whether you can control your life in a way where you don’t allow your emotions to take over, but that you also don’t get locked down into a self-righteous position.
On July 29th Uranus goes retrograde and that will unfortunately magnify the impact of Uranus rather than diminish it. That alarms me as with the Sun and it’s best buddies (Mercury and Venus) are all dancing in the fire of power and pushing that potential out into the world but they do not understand that Neptune is actually pushing the illusions to the surface for you to see.
When you do that, thinking that you are so correct, right, and awesome, you are going to take some big hits rather than see that everyone is going to go into agreement with you. Yes, the Sun is bigger than Neptune but the force of Neptune is bigger than any other of the other planets besides Jupiter. So you may not notice in your expansion and desire to express that you are actually showing your distortion and delusions in a powerful way for all to see. It might be a real shock when you take that leap feeling that you are safe in your assumptions and instead of acceptance you will get the explosiveness and fire of revolution instead.
This is like taking an oil fire (Sun, Venus, Mercury) and putting a bit of water (Neptune) on it. You know what happens… the oil explodes and fire goes everywhere. I am nervous about that potential and how that might express itself this month.
We have talked about 5 planets being retrograde a while back. Now there are 3 planets retrograde but with this Uranus going retrograde we go back to 4 planets again. 5 planets retrograde is very explosive also and you remember the intensity of April/May/June clearly… I am sure. So instead of continuing the diminishing aspect we are again, stepping towards a bigger explosion.
If you add the energy of Chiron being retrograde (from June 27-November 30 in Pisces) into the mix, that adds one more planet and a volatile one on top of it, in an emotional water house.
So Yes, I see that there is a healing potential for Chiron to be there in our emotional distortion wave (Pisces) but again, the healing may only happen after an explosion of emotion.
July 7th is going to be a big day. There are a lot of aspects that are like putting the fuse in a box for dynamite to explode. The Sun is going to conjunct Mercury, Mercury is in opposition to Pluto, Venus squares Uranus, and the Sun opposed Pluto. This causes a breaking down of the ego. The levels of transformation that are needed to get this going are huge and unpleasant.
July 11 is another big day. Mercury is going to trine Mars and Mercury is going to square Uranus, making the news a big deal and huge stories are going to come out of this pattern.
Again, expect to be upset and do your best to not get caught in the conflicting energy that is explosive and that others may get caught up in a revolution mentality.
In all revolutions innocents die. In all revolutions social structures break down. In all revolutions more suffering happens rather than less. It will take many calm and cool heads to be able to navigate this intense energy.
My hope is that on July 12 when Mercury and Venus enter Leo that the overview and creative potential that is Leo will give each of us a new way of seeing things and bring some solutions to the problems presenting.
On July 19 there is a full Moon at the end of the time of Cancer (which is going to be a major mood test) However the Full Moon is in Capricorn. And this energy pattern acts like a dampener on the positive potential that is trying to happen.
Then on July 29-30 the Uranus retrograde and Mercury enters Virgo. So at the very end of the month the energy will actually get more intense. That again is a bit alarming to me as the beginning was a pretty wild ride emotionally so each of you need to brace yourself and discipline the mind around your emotional expression for what is up and coming at the end of the month.
What does all this mean to you? It is okay to express what you feel but do not let your temper control your mouth. Practicing feeling what you are feeling and then also feeling what others are feeling at the same time might be a new experience but one that you are going to need to practice because this Neptune in Pisces is going to be teaching us about our emotions and the proper expression of them until 2028. Yes, I did say, 2028! So take a breath on that.
Neptune is a creative planet. Leo is a creative sign. At the end of the month those have the potential to join up and work together in ways that can serve the greater good but not if you are all bottled up and stuffing old crap in your body. You have to move it to loosen the grip of dense emotions and allow them to flow in ways that are organic and in alignment with a higher purpose. Most people don’t feel for years at a time, so that when those emotions finally flow, they explode and unfortunately that is the negative potential of this month. I would love to minimize that if I can with this knowledge and words. You cannot be creative if you do not know what you feel.
I take this back to when I was a dancer. If you are asked to be a character but you have not tapped into that inner archetype within you, then accessing that character can be quite traumatic. I remember doing Carabosse and recognizing that the director wanted a nasty, twisted, mean, slightly demented hag and I had wanted to do an evil but elegant character. The shift to do what he wanted rather than what I wanted was traumatic. I did not see myself as a hag. I had to reach deep inside to discover my ugliest self and then express that on stage. It worked and I learned to love my darkest and most demented self. It was a great lesson in embracing the truth of what is, who you are, what you really feel, and love it regardless. This month is going to be just like that for each of you.
With all this water and all the tides of changes moving in and out of your life you will have no choice but to go with the flow that is presenting. This is a month that I want to call the “Rip Tide” month. Repeatedly you will find yourself caught in a powerful emotional wave that is pulling you out into dark and dangerous territory. If you panic you may drown in your own emotional turmoil. If you relax and let the wave take out you, it will spit you out at some point and you will be able to swim back to shore safely. Fighting the flow will only exhaust you and get you nowhere. Observe your fear and trust that flow. Learn to not fight when the universe has all the control. All that control you thought you had was an illusion anyway. By the end of this month you will know that as a certainty.
This is a month to purge out the old and clear space for the new.
Will you let it?
Or will you fight to the point of exhaustion to make others see your viewpoint?

The choice is yours.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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