Numerology/Astrology for 6/25/15 - Plus Personal Blog
Today is the number 21/3. Are you feeling lucky or not so lucky? With the astrology it is probably not so lucky at the moment. But you can turn disadvantage into advantage if you are willing to not care what others think and allow the silly side of your personality to come out. You can either laugh or cry and today it might be advisable to consciously choose to laugh at the insanity that life brings your way. Even if all you can say is, “Thank you Divine that this day is ending.” I know that I am a Leo and the sun always rises on another day for me but this might be the day that you adopt the Leo attitude and remember that nothing fixes a bad mood like a great dinner, some sleep, and you wake up and try again. The Moon transits Libra all day, and creating order is the focus through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in your environment. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others' approval is another. Balancing your personal desires with those of another is likely to figure strongly now. The Moon's sextiles to both Venus and Jupiter today encourage cooperation and good humor, but its square to Pluto and opposition to Uranus can stimulate tension as buried frustrations emerge. Jupiter forms a biquintile with Pluto today, encouraging you to find creative ways to reach your goals.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.
~Suzanne Wagner~
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