Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year's Resolutions for 2015 - Let's make it a Group Effort

Personal Note From Suzanne

Okay, it is New Year's Resolution time. I know I just heard the collective, "Oh God!" It seems that in the winter when it is cold outside we have all this lovely time to think, contemplate, and create great ideas to challenge ourself. On many levels it is a wonderful thing as dreams do eventually become the reality. So this year, try to not get too far out there and create a resolution that is really not going to be possible. When you do that you fail and then it just becomes another weapon for you to use against yourself at a later date. 

I challenge everyone to make resolutions with your dearest friends. I know my friends can help me stick to things and when I do things in a group, others help to keep me motivated and moving forwards. 

So I am asking you to successfully trap yourself by making your agreements in some way public. (At least with friends and loved ones.) If I make a resolution just to myself, I can easily lie or take myself off the hook. So gather your best friends together and do something that perhaps serves the greater good of all instead of just yourself. Make a resolution to feed the homeless monthly, or donate to Tibet Aid each month as a group. Perhaps be in a book club all together and read books that are inspiring for your selective interests. 

As humans we are communal beings and it is together that be accomplish the most. It is when we all support a common goal that mountains can be moved. 

What can you do for another that supports them and their growth rather than just yourself? Those are great resolutions to make. And they are more fun and you heart becomes happy when you love others in deep and meaningful ways. 

There is a lot to get started. With the Saturn in Sagittarius there is a real push to get going and do something. Think less about some small and self involved goal. Instead think about what you can do together, with others. Then stand back and watch the fires ignite. It is time for a world wide shift in energy but that energy has to have an intent that serves the greater good. Take out the "M" in Me and put in a "W" to make it a We. The world is calling out for your energy, love, and support.

Have a wonderful 2015. 


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