Wednesday, June 25, 2014



Osho Zen Tarot: Courage, Patience, Postponement
Medicine Cards:
 Blank Shield, Snake
Mayan Oracle:
 Etznab, Shadow
Ancient Egyptian Tarot:
 Ace of Swords, Nine of Cups, Prince of Wands
Aleister Crowley Deck:
 Princess of Cups, Cruelty, Prince of Wands
Healing Earth Tarot: Five of Pipes, Ace of Shields, Grandfather of Feathers
Words of Truth:
 Abundance, Maturity, Power

We seem to have a repeating theme this month being reflected in many of the cards. The Mayan Oracle card “Etznab” represents; timelessness, discrimination, clarity, hall of mirrors, spiritual warriorship, sword of truth, facing shadow, and the integration of the paradox. This card becomes a repeating theme reflected in the other cards so this indicates that we need to dive into these elements.

If you are in a hall of mirrors, your attitude is going to be reflected all around you in many forms. If you start this month with anger and resentment, then that is going to be magnified to a degree that could make you very miserable. However, if you adopt the attitude of joy, expansion, and abundance then that is going to be reflected all around you, which is a much better idea. The reason for this is that Jupiter (the planet of beliefs and faith) is in Leo. Jupiter is a fire planet and Leo is a fire sign indicating that there is going to be a burst of energy that is intended to expand all of us in ways that can be wonderful if you recognize that whatever you feel is going to be what is magnified.

And as a reminder, your thoughts create your reality; so being mindful of what you are creating is going to get bigger so you might want to use some tools and discipline to not let your mind run amuck in your life.

If you happen to get a more negative/shadow reflection come up, see it as a gift to wake you up to a place where you are co-creating a pattern that you need to become more conscious of in your life.

When you have this much fire it is imperative to see that the Angel of Truth is going to cut through the cords of your illusions in some radical and clarifying ways. If you are holding onto fear then that fear is going to show up so that you can release and forgive others. If you have been believing in an illusion that illusion is going to shatter and break down forcing you to take a hard look at the truth and the reality that you have created.

None of this is bad news. You are growing up to a new level of awareness. You are actively involved in your own levels of power and learning to utilize that power to improve your life and circumstances. The two Prince of Wand cards are reaffirming that you have the swiftness and strength to get to your goals but you have to consider both sides of each argument and take all information into account before making your decision. Take a look at your personal traditions and history and decide where those aspects are helping or hindering your forward progress.

As this Jupiter aspect is just beginning the cards are also indicating that you are initiating a new journey but you are not there yet. You need to cultivate courage and be willing to step boldly onto the path in front of you. Yes, you might hit a few delays but your enthusiasm is happening now and you want to initiate that forward motion while that impulse is there.

There is much energy to be found right now by addressing the shadow within you. When you face your fears and let go of the old pain that has stopped you before, you will discover that there has been a tremendous amount of energy locked up in your shadow. Begin the transformation process by confronting your own distorted reflections and seeing how much energy you are using to suppress aspects that perhaps are not so bad. Let the intention of love heal and open up those parts so you have access to the energy once again. It is hard to accomplish much when you are using a lot of your life force to suppress your totality. Let go; trust your own energy and flow. Let the Divine be the guiding force in your life, and know that every part of yourself is perfectly loved in the Universe.



Osho Zen Tarot: Friendliness, The Dream, The Miser
Medicine Cards: Badger, Weasel, Hummingbird
Mayan Oracle:
Manik, Universal Movement, Mystical Power
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: The Star, Two of Wands, Eigth of Cups
Aleister Crowley Deck: Valour, Knight of Wands, The Lovers
Healing Earth Tarot: Grandfather of Pipes, Man of Crystals, Six of Feathers
Words of Truth: Delusion, Discrimination, Responsibility
Yea! We have made it through the Grand Water Trine and now Jupiter has moved into Leo. As such there is a new spring in you step and a feeling of enthusiasm is spreading the light of hope to yourself and others. After such a long siege with this Grand Cardinal Cross that is beginning to wane (but not over until after March 16-17, 2015) there is some glimmer of movement. The only problem is that when you get a fire planet (Jupiter) in a fire sign (Leo) some things can get out of hand in sort of an intense way. So keep an eye on choosing words with clarity and balance and think before you speak.
Also Jupiter is a bit of a party animal and so those of you that get a bit out of control in the indulgences choose the path of moderation because under these aspects a little can turn into a lot quickly. Moderation in some things is a key to maintaining balance.
Now, I know that there has been little to celebrate for a long time and as things begin to pick up you want to cut loose and go for it but the cards are indicating that too much too fast is a mixture that can create more problems if you are not careful. Do not let yourself fall in to delusion. Keep a discriminating eye on your goal and take responsible steps in consistent fashion. As the energy is finally moving there is a deep desire to run. But just like trying to run up the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is a bad idea so is the idea that because you feel this surge of energy (and you have been waiting so long for it that you could taste it) that you should leap into action without remembering to pace yourself.
It is a wonderful feeling when you feel as if you can begin to see the goal and that the doorway you have been seeking is almost within your grasp. Just remember to follow the wave. You have put so much energy into the situation and that energy has been building so that now you can see the wave moving. There is no longer a need to push the wave just ride it!
There is always more work but for a minute enjoy the shift and feel the love that is expanding. Look at things with objective eyes and remember that correct structures and strategies is the way to keep things moving smoothly. Congratulate yourself for getting this far and remind yourself that all the struggle was worth it. It is important to appreciate the journey because it was very difficult and you know there was a lot of complaining that happened. Whether that was just in your own head or even if it did manage to get out your mouth.
The dream is taking shape and manifesting is a beautiful and unexpected way. Do not allow your mind to make that positive energy contract back down and become miserly. Remain in a place of abundance and center. Meditate in nature and breathe in appreciation for yourself and those that have walked part or all of this path with you. Take a look and see that every encounter gave you something that you critically needed. That did not mean that those lessons were fun or easy but they were essential.

From that feeling of arriving at your particular destination, feel the power that you have generated. Feel the tools that you have learned and integrated. Feel your soul’s depth and intuitive skill that managed to guide you here even when you were resisting. Appreciate who you have become. You have worked hard and even though there is always more work to do, this moment is extremely helpful to remind you that you have done well and so the next time you have to gather up your courage, perhaps you will relax and flow more easily because you have learned how to trust the core of your being and that great power that is beyond your mind.

Numerology for 6/26/14, Blog and Quote

Numerology for 6/26/14
Today is the number 3 and the optimism of this number is flooding us and helping us shift out of the intensity of the last few days. Just remember to not let the slightly selfish quality of the 3 to make you demand what you want from others, especially if they are not in the place to give it to you. You will feel luckier today and as if there is a light at the end of this Mercury retrograde tunnel (which ends July 1). This energy of the Mars opposite Uranus from yesterday has made us feel as if we are a bit scattered and ungrounded and the negative side of the number 3 continues to add fuel to that fire. You can feel that you want to feel safe and as if you belong somewhere but this is not the time to move ahead as much as it is about reflecting about the choices that have gotten you to this place. It is time to deal with what is on your plate and create steps that gently will guide you into a new reality over the next few weeks. Jupiter is getting ready to go into Leo and that can create a much happier bounce of optimism and hopeful enthusiasm. (Something all of us could use about now.) So take a breath, let the self-obsessed personal issues go for a moment, and allow the thoughts inside to begin to create a new reality in the upcoming future. Just remember, give it some time. Things do not happen as quickly as we want under these aspects.
~Suzanne Wagner~

That's another lesson I've learned the hard way. All relationships will die if they aren't nurtured. Just as a flower will die if it's not watered. Because love is demonstration, not declaration.
~Patti LaBelle~

I love this phrase, “Love is demonstration, not declaration!” That is perfect. What have you done today to show your love? What have you done to connect with loved ones in a way that serves them in feeling that depth of your love? Have you let the dramas in your life take precedence over the sharing and expression of love? It is essential to learn to step out of the consuming process of living into the heart-centered awareness of loving. You can say, “I love you.” And that feels wonderful but if those words are not backed up with a congruent expression in the physical then it sometimes does not sink in. What you like in the ways of love and those expressions are what your nervous system likes and therefore are what you will want to give to others. After all you find value in those expressions. The problem is that to love another means to give them what works for their nervous system not just yours. It takes great maturity and inner fulfillment to be able to step out of giving from your one sided way and to step into feeling someone other than your self and your own needs and wants. Because when you do not feel fulfilled a part of you is then always seeking something. A miracle happens when you find what fulfills you and you become a more complete and accepting person. Because when you are filled and know you are love and have experienced deep love then you have a huge reservoir to give love to others. It is from the fullness that has expanded your energy bubble that you can learn to channel great energies from the universe into others and your life. But you have to stretch; you have to allow that expansion. You have to learn who you are and what you are here to help and support. It is like in the Hercules movie where he has to acknowledge that his father is Zeus. Then and only then can he channel huge magical energy through him and into the world. You are no different. Only when you know that you are love and you know that you are loved by the Divine, can you access the wellspring of life the surrounds you completely.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Hercules – The moment he asks Zeus for help he has extraordinary strength

Monday, June 23, 2014


We seem to have a repeating theme this month being reflected in many of the cards. The Mayan Oracle card “Etznab” represents; timelessness, discrimination, clarity, hall of mirrors, spiritual warriorship, sword of truth, facing shadow, and the integration of the paradox. This card becomes a repeating theme reflected in the other cards so this indicates that we need to dive into these elements. 

If you are in a hall of mirrors, your attitude is going to be reflected all around you in many forms. If you start this month with anger and resentment, then that is going to be magnified to a degree that could make you very miserable. However, if you adopt the attitude of joy, expansion, and abundance then that is going to be reflected all around you, which is a much better idea. The reason for this is that Jupiter (the planet of beliefs and faith) is in Leo. Jupiter is a fire planet and Leo is a fire sign indicating that there is going to be a burst of energy that is intended to expand all of us in ways that can be wonderful if you recognize that whatever you feel is going to be what is magnified. 

And as a reminder, your thoughts create your reality; so being mindful of what you are creating is going to get bigger so you might want to use some tools and discipline to not let your mind run amuck in your life. 

If you happen to get a more negative/shadow reflection come up, see it as a gift to wake you up to a place where you are co-creating a pattern that you need to become more conscious of in your life. 

When you have this much fire it is imperative to see that the Angel of Truth is going to cut through the cords of your illusions in some radical and clarifying ways. If you are holding onto fear then that fear is going to show up so that you can release and forgive others. If you have been believing in an illusion that illusion is going to shatter and break down forcing you to take a hard look at the truth and the reality that you have created. 

None of this is bad news. You are growing up to a new level of awareness. You are actively involved in your own levels of power and learning to utilize that power to improve your life and circumstances. The two Prince of Wand cards are reaffirming that you have the swiftness and strength to get to your goals but you have to consider both sides of each argument and take all information into account before making your decision. Take a look at your personal traditions and history and decide where those aspects are helping or hindering your forward progress. 

As this Jupiter aspect is just beginning the cards are also indicating that you are initiating a new journey but you are not there yet. You need to cultivate courage and be willing to step boldly onto the path in front of you. Yes, you might hit a few delays but your enthusiasm is happening now and you want to initiate that forward motion while that impulse is there.

There is much energy to be found right now by addressing the shadow within you. When you face your fears and let go of the old pain that has stopped you before, you will discover that there has been a tremendous amount of energy locked up in your shadow. Begin the transformation process by confronting your own distorted reflections and seeing how much energy you are using to suppress aspects that perhaps are not so bad. Let the intention of love heal and open up those parts so you have access to the energy once again. It is hard to accomplish much when you are using a lot of your life force to suppress your totality. Let go; trust your own energy and flow. Let the Divine be the guiding force in your life, and know that every part of yourself is perfectly loved in the Universe.

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of July 2014

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of July 2014

Yea! We have made it through the Grand Water Trine and now Jupiter has moved into Leo. As such there is a new spring in you step and a feeling of enthusiasm is spreading the light of hope to yourself
and others. After such a long siege with this Grand Cardinal Cross that is beginning to wane (but not over until after March 16-17, 2015) there is some glimmer of movement. The only problem is that when you get a fire planet (Jupiter) in a fire sign (Leo) some things can get out of hand in sort of an intense way. So keep an eye on choosing words with clarity and balance and think before you speak.
Also Jupiter is a bit of a party animal and so those of you that get a bit out of control in the indulgences choose the path of moderation because under these aspects a little can turn into a lot quickly. Moderation in some things is a key to maintaining balance.
Now, I know that there has been little to celebrate for a long time and as things begin to pick up you want to cut loose and go for it but the cards are indicating that too much too fast is a mixture that can create more problems if you are not careful. Do not let yourself fall in to delusion. Keep a discriminating eye on your goal and take responsible steps in consistent fashion. As the energy is finally moving there is a deep desire to run. But just like trying to run up the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is a bad idea so is the idea that because you feel this surge of energy (and you have been waiting so long for it that you could taste it) that you should leap into action without remembering to pace yourself.
It is a wonderful feeling when you feel as if you can begin to see the goal and that the doorway you have been seeking is almost within your grasp. Just remember to follow the wave. You have put so much energy into the situation and that energy has been building so that now you can see the wave moving. There is no longer a need to push the wave just ride it!
There is always more work but for a minute enjoy the shift and feel the love that is expanding. Look at things with objective eyes and remember that correct structures and strategies is the way to keep things moving smoothly. Congratulate yourself for getting this far and remind yourself that all the struggle was worth it. It is important to appreciate the journey because it was very difficult and you know there was a lot of complaining that happened. Whether that was just in your own head or even if it did manage to get out your mouth.
The dream is taking shape and manifesting is a beautiful and unexpected way. Do not allow your mind to make that positive energy contract back down and become miserly. Remain in a place of abundance and center. Meditate in nature and breathe in appreciation for yourself and those that have walked part or all of this path with you. Take a look and see that every encounter gave you something that you critically needed. That did not mean that those lessons were fun or easy but they were essential.
From that feeling of arriving at your particular destination, feel the power that you have generated. Feel the tools that you have learned and integrated. Feel your soul’s depth and intuitive skill that managed to guide you here even when you were resisting. Appreciate who you have become. You have worked hard and even though there is always more work to do, this moment is extremely helpful to remind you that you have done well and so the next time you have to gather up your courage, perhaps you will relax and flow more easily because you have learned how to trust the core of your being and that great power that is beyond your mind.